erect | vt (fml) 1. build, construct, mendirikan, membina: this monument was ~ed to Mumtaz Mahal, tugu itu didirikan utk memperingati Mumtaz Mahal; 2. put up, set upright, mendirikan; (tent, flagstaff, etc) mendirikan, menegakkan: the police ~ed a roadblock two miles before the town, polis mendirikan sekatan jalan raya dua batu sebelum bandar itu; the shop sells collapsible furniture which can be easily ~ed and folded away, kedai itu menjual perabot boleh lipat yg dgn senang dapat didirikan dan juga disimpan; they ~ed a tent on the bank of the river, mereka mendirikan khemah di tebing sungai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erection | n 1. act of, a. (building) pembinaan, pendirian: the ~ of the new hospital, pembinaan hospital baru; b. (putting up) pendirian, mendirikan; (tent, flagstaff, etc) pendirian, penegakan, mendirikan, menegakkan; 2. st erected, binaan; 3. (physiol) ereksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establish | vt 1. a. found, menubuhkan, mendirikan; (business) menubuhkan: the school was ~ed in 1904, sekolah itu didirikan pd tahun 1904; he ~ed the only clothing business in the town, dia menubuhkan satu-satunya perniagaan pakaian di bandar itu; b. bring about, create, mewujudkan; (relationship) menjalin: the ministry plans to ~ a new educational system, pihak kementerian akan mewujudkan sistem pendidikan yg baru; to ~ a precedent, mewujudkan satu duluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establishment | n 1. act of, a. (founding) penubuhan, mendirikan; (business) penubuhan: since its ~, the organization has done much to improve the living conditions of these hill tribes, sejak penubuhannya, pertubuhan ini telah banyak berusaha utk memperbaiki keadaan kehidupan suku kaum bukit ini; b.(bringing about, creating) pewujudan, mewujudkan: the ~ of a just, ordered society, pewujudan masyarakat yg adil dan teratur; 2. (business organization) syarikat; (institution) institusi; (shop) kedai: a well-known financial ~ in the city, syarikat kewangan yg terkemuka di bandar raya ini; he works for a research ~, dia bekerja di sebuah institusi penyelidikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
build | vt 1. construct (gen) membina; (building or tall structure) membina, mendirikan: the ship was built in Sydney, kapal itu dibina di Sydney; the new settlers built churches and roads, peneroka-peneroka baru itu membina gereja dan jalan; 2. make (nest, fire, etc) membuat: the birds are ~ing their nests, burung-burung itu sedang membuat sarangnya; 3. cause to be constructed, membina: the government ~s almost all the schools in the country, kerajaan membina hampir semua sekolah di negara ini; 4. also ~ up, (establish and) develop or expand, membina: he built up his business from one small shop, dia membina perniagaannya drpd sebuah kedai kecil; it took a few centuries for the British to build an empire, orang British telah mengambil masa selama beberapa kurun utk membina sebuah empayar; good food ~s strong bodies, makanan yg baik membina tubuh yg kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
found2 | vt 1. establish (company, organization, institution, etc) mengasaskan, menubuhkan: the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka was ~ed in 1956, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ditubuhkan pd 1956; 2. (begin to) build or develop, mendirikan, mengasaskan: the white settlers who ~ed the town were of Dutch origin, peneroka-peneroka kulit putih yg mendirikan bandar itu berketurunan Belanda; the dynasty was ~ed in the 11th century, dinasti itu didirikan pd abad ke-11; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inquiry | make inquiries, a. more commonly make enquiries, ask questions, bertanya-tanya: he made some inquiries regarding the possibility of setting up a factory there, dia bertanya-tanya ttg kemungkinan mendirikan kilang di situ; b. investigate, menyiasat: the police are making inquiries into his activities, polis sedang menyiasat kegiatannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | c. (for recently deceased male person), (Muslim ruler or prince) almarhum; (other Muslim) Allahyarham; (non-Muslim) mendiang: in his lifetime ~ founded a number of mosques, semasa masih hidup, Allahyarham telah mendirikan beberapa buah masjid; 3. (ref to male animal), [usu not translated or the n is repeated]: be careful of that cat, ~ sometimes scratches, berhati-hati dgn kucing itu, kadang-kadang mencakar orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emanate | vi (fml) datang:the sound seemed to ~ from that room, bunyi tersebut rasanya datang dr bilik itu; the smell of fresh bread ~d from the bakery, bau roti yg baru dibakar datang dr kilang itu; the idea for the organization ~d from academic circles, buah fikiran utk mendirikan organisasi itu datang dr kalangan ilmiawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distant | adj 1. far apart, jauh: communication was difficult between the two ~ places, perhubungan adalah sukar antara dua tempat yg jauh itu; 2. far off, jauh: travel to ~ parts, mengembara ke tempat-tempat yg jauh; the ~ stars, bintang-bintang yg jauh; the ~ sound of drums, bunyi gendang yg jauh; 3. away, jauh(nya): they set up a tent a few kilometers ~ from the shore, mereka mendirikan sebuah khemah beberapa kilometer jauhnya dr pantai; 4. far away in time, jauh: at some ~ point in time, pd satu ketika yg jauh pd masa depan; 5. faint, remote, a. (of resemblance) sedikit; b. (of prospect) tipis; c. (of allusion) sipi; d. (of connection) jauh; 6. not closely related, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh; 7. abstracted, vacant, jauh: a ~ look, pandangan yg jauh; 8. reserved, aloof, dingin, tdk mesra: a ~ manner, gaya yg dingin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |