launder | vt 1. wash, iron (clothes etc) mendobi: all the sheets and towels had to be ~ed, semua cadar dan tuala ini hendaklah didobi; 2. (colloq) transfer (illegal money) melaburkan (wang haram): an unscrupulous businessman who has ~ed vast sums of money abroad, ahli perniagaan yg jahat yg melaburkan wang haram yg besar jumlahnya di luar negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laundry | n 1. place where clothes are washed, a. (shop) kedai dobi; b. (in hotel, large house, etc) tempat mendobi; 2. clothes, sheets, etc, a. (yet to be washed) kain(-kain) kotor: I’ve a lot of ~ to do today, banyak kain kotor yg perlu dicuci hari ini; would you bring down the ~ basket?, boleh kamu bawa turun bekas kain kotor itu?; b. (already washed) (kain) cucian: the ~ has not come back yet, kain cucian saya belum dipulangkan; she hung out all the ~ early in the morning, dia menjemur kain cuciannya pagi-pagi lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |