escort | vt accompany as escort (to a social function) menemani; (in order to give protection or as an honour) mengiringi: he ~ed my sister to the dance, dia menemani adik saya ke majlis tari-menari itu; the troops moved in ~ed by tanks and helicopters, askar-askar itu bergerak masuk diiringi oleh kereta kebal dan helikopter. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accompany | vt 1. go or come with, a. (person) menemani, mengawani; (fml) mengiring(i): to ~ so. on a journey, menemani sso (sewaktu) dlm perjalanan; the Prime Minister was accompanied by two cabinet ministers, Perdana Menteri telah diiringi oleh dua orang menteri kabinet; b. (ship etc) mengiring(i): the warships ~ing the convoy, kapal perang yg mengiringi konvoi; 2. be put with [often pass. in Malay] disertakan bersama: a manual accompanies each set, sebuah buku panduan disertakan bersama setiap set; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gracious | (good, goodness) ~, ~ me, (colloq & old-fashioned), (expressing surprise, interest) oh; (expressing agreement or disagreement) eh, o, oh: “He married a girl half his age” “Good ~! I didn’t know that!”, “Dia mengahwini gadis yg berumur separuh umurnya” “Oh! Saya tak tahu pun!”; “You want me to go with you?” “Good ~, no”, “Kamu mahu saya menemani kamu?” “Oh, tidak”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | be in good ~, (humorous) be in the same situation as someone else, bukan kamu seorang saja: “I’ve made one or two awful blunders.” “You’re in good ~. So have I”, “Saya pernah membuat satu dua kesilapan besar.” “Bukan kamu seorang saja. Saya pun pernah”; in ~ with, bersama-sama dgn; keep ~ with, /bercampur, bergaul/ dgn; keep so. ~, menemani sso; part ~ (with) a. separate (from) berpisah (dgn); b. end relationship (with) berpisah (dgn); c. disagree (with) tdk bersetuju (dgn); present ~ excepted, tdk termasuk /kamu, tuan-tuan, puan-puan [as approp]/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |