kick | vt 1. strike with the foot, menendang, menyepak; (with sole of foot) menerajang: to ~ a ball high into the air, menendang bola tinggi ke udara; 2. strike on recoil, menendang, menyentak: the gun ~ed him | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kick | vi 1. strike with the foot, menendang, menyepak; (with sole of foot) menerajang: to ~ and scream, menendang dan menjerit; 2. (out of habit) suka menendang: be careful, that horse ~s, berhati-hati, ku | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boot1 | get the ~, (sl) dah kena tendang; give so. the ~, (sl) tendang sso keluar; give st a ~, /menendang, menerajang/ sst: he gave the door a ~, dia menendang pintu itu; hang up o’s ~s, (colloq) bersara, berhenti bermain, pencen; (from work) pencen; lick so’s ~s, (colloq) /mengampu, membodek/ sso; the ~ is on the other /foot, leg/, (not fml) sekarang sudah terbalik kot; you bet your ~s, (sl) saya berani bertaruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |