guilty | adj 1. responsible for an offence, bersalah: ~ of murder, bersalah krn membunuh; they were found ~, mereka didapati bersalah; to plead ~, mengaku bersalah; 2. showing, characterized by guilt, bersalah: ~ feeling, perasaan bersalah; ~ conscience, rasa bersalah; 3. feel unhappy for not having done what one should have done, bersalah: I feel ~ for not having written to you earlier, saya rasa bersalah krn tdk menulis kpd kamu lebih awal; 4. that makes one feel guilty, membuat sso berasa bersalah: a ~ secret, rahsia yg membuat sso rasa bersalah; 5. responsible for action that is unacceptable or morally wrong, bersalah: parents who are ~ of neglecting their children, ibu bapa yg bersalah krn mengabaikan anak-anak mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |