flow | vi 1. move along, stream, mengalir: water ~ed from the tap, air mengalir dr paip; tears were ~ing down her cheeks, air mata mengalir di pipinya; blood ~ed from a wound in his chest, darah mengalir dr luka di dadanya; lava was ~ing down the mountain, lava mengalir menuruni gunung itu; the Thames ~s eastwards into the North Sea, sungai Thames mengalir ke timur masuk ke Laut Utara; 2. move steadily and freely, mengalir: information ~ed freely between the different universities, maklumat mengalir dgn mudahnya antara berbagai-bagai universiti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | vi flow freely, mengalir: the stream ~d down the hillside, anak sungai mengalir menuruni lereng bukit itu; tears ~d down her cheeks, air mata mengalir turun di pipinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflowing | adj mengalir masuk: ~ air currents, arus udara yg mengalir masuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discharge | vi flow (into) mengalir: the river ~s into the lake, sungai itu mengalir ke tasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | vi 1. discharge contents, mengalir masuk: the river empties into the sea, sungai itu mengalir masuk ke laut; 2. become empty, a. (of cistern etc) menjadi kosong: the water tank empties in a few minutes, tangki air itu menjadi kosong dlm beberapa minit; b. (of street etc) menjadi lengang: the playground emptied as darkness fell, taman kanak-kanak itu menjadi lengang apabila malam tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debouch | vi 1. (of river, glacier, etc) mengalir: the river ~es into the sea, sungai itu mengalir ke laut; 2. (of troops etc) muncul: the soldiers ~ed from the woods onto a plain, askar-askar itu muncul dr dlm hutan ke suatu dataran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | vi 1. come out, flow out of, (of liquid) mengalir keluar; (of smoke) keluar; (of sound, smell) datang: blood was issuing from his nose, darah mengalir dr hidungnya; black smoke ~d from the chimney, asap hitam keluar dr corong asap; delicious smells that ~d from the kitchen, bau sedap yg datang dr dapur itu; 2. arise, result, timbul: the consequences issuing from this action, akibat yg timbul drpd tindakan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flow | n 1. act, manner of flowing, a. (of things, traffic, ideas, information, etc) aliran, mengalir: the water runs in a steady ~, air itu mengalir terus; there has been a steady ~ of capital into the country, terdapat aliran modal yg tetap memasuki negara; the ~ of blood, aliran darah; the ~ of traffic, aliran lalu lintas; his ~ of ideas is astonishing, aliran gagasan-gagasannya menakjubkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | 4. offspring, zuriat: the King died without ~, Raja itu mangkat tanpa meninggalkan zuriat; 5. outflow, pengaliran keluar, mengalir keluar: a valve to control the ~ of water, injap utk mengawal pengaliran keluar air; the ~ of blood from the deep cut, darah yg mengalir keluar dr luka yg dalam itu; 6. act of, a. (supplying) pembekalan: the ~ of new uniforms, pembekalan pakaian seragam baru; b. (officially putting forth, producing stamps, currency) pengeluaran, mengeluarkan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backwater | n 1. pool of still water, air mati, air yg tdk mengalir; 2. intellectually stagnant, a. (place ), (tempat yg) sudah mati: this town is a real ~, bandar ini sesungguhnya sudah mati; b. (condition) /ketandusan, kebekuan/ intelek: an intellectual ~, ketandusan intelek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |