ascription | vt; ~ st to, a. consider st to be the result of, menganggap [sst] sbg /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: he ~d his success to hard work, dia menganggap kejayaannya sbg berpunca drpd usahanya yg sungguh-sungguh; b. believe st to be the work of, menganggap [sst] sbg /ciptaan, karya/: this poem has been ~d to Chaucer, sajak ini dianggap sbg ciptaan Chaucer; c. attribute st to specific origin, period, etc, menganggap [sst] berasal /dr, drpd/: the alphabet is generally ~d to the Phoenicians, abjad pd umumnya dianggap berasal drpd orang Phoenecia; an invention that is variously ~d to the sixth and the ninth centuries, sebuah rekaan yg oleh setengah-setengah orang dianggap berasal dr kurun yg keenam atau dr kurun yg kesembilan; d. assign an attribute of, /menganggap, mengatakan/ [sst] sbg sifat [sso dll]: he ~d beauty to youth, dia menganggap kecantikan sbg sifat keremajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assume | vt 1. take for granted, menganggap, membuat anggapan: we ~d him to have no knowledge of the matter, kami menganggap dia tdk mengetahui apa-apa ttg perkara itu; a man who always ~s the worst, seorang yg selalu menganggap yg buruk-buruk sahaja; assuming that, katakanlah, seandainya: assuming that we win the elections, when will the cabinet be announce, katakanlah kita memenangi pilihanraya ini, bilakah kabinet akan diisytiharkan?; 2. believe, think, kira: I ~ she’s at home, saya kira dia di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attribute | vt; ~ st to, a. regard to be the result of, menganggap sst /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: he ~d the team’s defeat to lack of training, dia menganggap kekalahan pasukan itu disebabkan oleh kurang latihan; b. regard st to have been written etc by, menganggap sst + approp v oleh: the play was ~d to Bertolt Brecht, lakonan itu dianggap ditulis oleh Bertolt Brecht; c. regard st to have been written etc in, menganggap sst + approp v /pd, dlm/: a jar that is ~d to the tenth century, sebuah pasu yg dianggap dibuat pd abad kesepuluh; d. regard as a quality of, mengatakan [sso] mempunyai: to ~ to so. qualities that he does not possess, mengatakan sso mempunyai sifat-sifat yg tdk ada padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deem | vt (fml ) menganggap: he ~ed the question unnecessary, dia menganggap pertanyaan itu tdk perlu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
account | vt (fml) menganggap: he ~ed himself lucky to have survived the crash, dia menganggap dirinya bernasib baik krn terselamat drpd kemalangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
identify | 3. treat as identical, menganggap sst sama dgn: they ~ beer-drinking with manliness, mereka menganggap minum bir sama dgn kejantanan; ~ os, a. introduce os, memperkenalkan diri: he identified himself to the group, dia memperkenalkan dirinya pd kumpulan itu; b. say who one is, menyebut namanya; c. prove o’s identity, membuktikan siapa dirinya: when the policeman stopped him he was unable to ~ himself, ketika polis menahannya, dia tdk dapat membuktikan siapa dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
credit | ~ so. with, (authorship, discovery, etc) menganggap sso: she was ~ed with having written the article, dia dianggap telah menulis artikel itu; I ~ed him with more sense, saya menganggap dia lebih berakal drpd itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 15. consider, regard, menganggap: he was held to be one of the greatest philosophers, dia dianggap salah seorang ahli falsafah yg teragung; I don’t ~ myself responsible for the failure of the project, saya tdk menganggap diri saya bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan projek itu; 16. (of judge, court) memutuskan: the judge held the witness to be in contempt of court, hakim itu memutuskan bahawa saksi tersebut melakukan penghinaan thdp mahkamah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | it seems unnatural for a mother to ~ up her children, adalah luar biasa bagi seorang ibu utk melepaskan anak-anaknya; b. despair of curing so., menganggap bahawa sso tdk dapat /diubati, disembuhkan/: the doctors had ~n him up, but he recovered, para doktor telah menganggap bahawa dia tdk dapat diubati, tetapi dia pulih drpd penyakitnya; c. despair of so. ever arriving, menganggap sso tdk akan datang: you’re so late we’d almost ~n you up, krn kamu lewat sangat, kami anggap kamu tdk akan datang; d. break off | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idealize, idealise | vt menganggap /sso, sst/ (sbg) /sso, sst/ yg ideal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |