blockade | vt 1. (mil) mengepung: to ~ a port, mengepung pelabuhan; 2. obstruct, menyekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cordon | vt; ~ st off, mengepung: the police ~ed off the danger area, polis mengepung kawasan bahaya itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | vt 1. trap, a. mengepung: the police ~ed the fugitive, polis mengepung orang buruan itu; b. (fig.) membuat [sso] berasa tersepit: the prosecutor’s question ~ed him, soalan pendakwa itu membuat dia berasa tersepit; 2. (econ) memonopoli pasaran: the firm ~ed the sugar market, firma itu memonopoli pasaran gula | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | ~ in /on, upon/, a. surround, mengepung: by nightfall the troops had ~d in on the fort, menjelang malam, askar-askar telah mengepung kubu itu; b. approach, menghampiri: typhoon Betty has ~d in on the city, taufan Betty telah menghampiri bandar raya itu; c. envelope, menyelubungi: as darkness ~d in on us, apabila kegelapan menyelubungi kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hem | ~ so. /in, around/, a. encircle so., mengelilingi sso; (so as to prevent so. from moving), (act.) mengepung sso; (pass.) sso terkepung: I was ~ med in by people on all sides, saya terkepung oleh orang ramai dikeliling saya; b. (fig.) membelenggu sso: he found himself ~med in by difficulties, dia mendapati dirinya dibelenggu kesusahan; ~ st /in, around/, encircle st, mengelilingi sst; (so as to prevent st from moving), (act.) mengepung sst; (pass.) sst terkepung: the ship was ~med in by icebergs, kapal itu terkepung oleh aisberg. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
besiege | vt 1. lay siege to, mengepung: the town was ~d for six months, bandar itu dikepung selama enam bulan; 2. crowd round, mengerumuni: the new President was ~d by journalists, Presiden baru itu dikerumuni wartawan; football fans besieging the ticket booth, peminat-peminat bola sepak yg mengerumuni pondok tiket; 3. overwhelm (with requests etc) menghujani: the reporters ~d him with questions, pemberita-pemberita itu menghujaninya dgn pertanyaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | n act of killing, membunuh [n ]: the huntsmen closed in for the ~, pemburu-pemburu mara mengepung utk membunuh (buruan mereka); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beleaguer | vt 1. harass, plague, menghantui, mengganggu: he was ~ed by doubts, dia dihantui keraguan; 2. lay siege to, mengepung: the city was ~ed for months, kota itu dikepung berbulan-bulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encompass | vt 1. encircle, melingkungi: the building was ~ed by high walls, bangunan itu dilingkungi tembok tinggi; 2. surround, a. mengelilingi, mengepung:it was reported that the enemy had ~ed the city-state, dilaporkan bahawa pihak musuh telah mengelilingi negara kota itu; b. (fig.) menyelubungi: to be ~ed with doubts, diselubungi keraguan; 3. include, contain, merangkumi: the lectures will ~ all the major topics in this field, kuliah-kuliah itu akan merangkumi semua tajuk utama dlm bidang ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inverted sugar | vt 1. lay out, put (money in) melaburkan: he ~ed all his savings in government bonds, dia melaburkan semua wang simpanannya utk membeli bon kerajaan; you must ~ your money wisely, puan mesti melaburkan wang puan dgn bijak; 2. spend (time, effort, etc) memberikan: I have ~ed a lot of time in this enterprise, saya telah memberikan masa yg banyak utk usaha ini; 3. (old use) beseige, mengepung: the invading army ~ed the town, tentera yg menyerang mengepung bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |