glad eye | n; give so. the ~, (sl), /melirik, mengerling/ mesra pd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cock | ~ o’s ears, memasang telinga; ~ o’s eye, a. wink, mengerling; b. raise o’s eyebrow, mengangkat kening; keep o’s ears ~ed, memasang telinga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | in a tight ~, dlm keadaan terdesak; /look, glance/ at so. out of the ~ of o’s eye, mengerling (dr /sudut, ekor/ mata); make a ~ in, memonopoli pasaran; out of the ~ of o’s eye, dr /sudut, ekor/ mata: I noticed out of the ~ of my eye that someone had entered the room, dr sudut mata, saya ternampak ada orang masuk ke bilik itu; the four ~s of the /earth, world/, seluruh /ceruk rantau, pelosok dunia/; turn the ~, (after an illness, crisis, etc), (approp n +) pulih: he had been ill for a long time, but turned the ~ after the operation, dia sudah lama sakit, tetapi keadaannya pulih selepas pembedahan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
askance, askant | adv; look ~ at so., a. also eye so. ~, with a side glance, /menjeling, mengerling/ kpd sso: she eyed him ~, dia menjeling kpd lelaki itu; b. with suspicion, disapproval, memandang sso dgn (rasa) /syak, curiga/: he looked ~ at the beggar, dia memandang pengemis itu dgn rasa syak; look ~ at st, /meragui, menyangsikan/ sst: they looked ~ at new ideas and techniques, mereka meragui idea-idea dan teknik-teknik baharu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |