edge | vt 1. supply with border, approp v [+ n] pd tepi [sst]: to ~ a blanket with ribbon, membubuh reben pd tepi gebar; 2. form border to, meminggiri: wild flowers ~ the river bank, pokok-pokok bunga tumbuh liar meminggiri tebing sungai itu; 3. move slowly along, mengesotkan, mengesot-ngesotkan: to ~ the crate out of a room, mengesotkan peti kayu keluar dr bilik; to ~ the refrigerator into the kitchen, mengesot-ngesotkan peti sejuk ke dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ease | vt 1. lessen, a. (pain, anxiety, etc) mengurangkan: medicine that will ~ the pain, ubat yg akan mengurangkan kesakitan; b. (tension, pressure, etc) meredakan, mengendurkan; c. (burden) meringankan: to ~ so. of his burden, meringankan beban sso; 2. loosen, melonggarkan: to ~ a skirt at the waist, melonggarkan skirt pd bahagian pinggang; 3. move etc carefully, dgn perlahan-lahan + approp v: they ~d the wardrobe through the doorway, dgn perlahan-lahan mereka mengesotkan almari itu melalui pintu; he ~d the van out of the parking space, dia mengeluarkan van itu dr ruang letak kereta dgn perlahan-lahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |