laugh | ~ till one cries, ketawa hingga keluar air mata; ~ /so., st/ to scorn, mentertawakan, mengetawakan, menggelakkan: such an idea would have been ~ed to scorn a few years ago, idea-idea begitu pasti diketawakan jika dikemukakan beberapa tahun dahulu; ~ up o’s sleeve, (colloq) ketawa /sendiri, diam-diam/: we didn’t realize at the time that he was ~ing up his sleeve at us, kami tdk sedar rupanya pd masa itu dia ketawa diam-diam melihat kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | ~ so. out of st, membuat sso ketawa utk + approp v: they ~ed him out of his bad temper, mereka membuatnya ketawa utk menghilangkan kemarahannya; ~ out of court, (colloq), /mengetawakan, mentertawakan/ sahaja: your arguments would be ~ed out of court, hujah-hujah kamu akan ditertawakan sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | ~ st off, a. see ~ st away; b. attempt to minimise the seriousness of a situation, ketawa utk + approp v: when he realized he’d said the wrong thing, he ~ed it off, apabila dia sedar dia telah mengatakan perkara yg salah, dia ketawa utk menutup kesalahan itu; ~ /so., st/ off the stage, mengetawakan /sso, sst/ hingga /sso, sst / turun dr pentas: the audience ~ed him off the stage, para penonton mengetawakannya hingga dia turun dr pentas; ~ o’s head off, (colloq) ketawa besar: she ~ed her head off at his funny story, dia ketawa besar mendengar cerita lucunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |