cater | ~ to, memenuhi: movies which ~ to an appetite for violence, filem-filem yg memenuhi selera yg menggemari keganasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | adj 1. (of flowers and food) segar, baru: is that meat ~ or frozen?, adakah daging itu segar atau sejuk beku?; I prefer ~ vegetables to dried ones, saya lebih menggemari sayur segar drpd sayur kering; ~ bread, roti baru; ~ eggs, telur segar; the flowers do not look ~ at all, bunga itu tdk langsung kelihatan segar; ~ guavas, jambu batu baru; ~ milk, susu segar; 2. recently created, arrived, found, happened, produced, etc, baru; (of paint etc) basah, belum kering: a ~ outlook, pandangan baru; in the light of this ~ evidence..., kerana ada bukti baru ini...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acquire | vt 1. gain by o’s skill, ability, effort, memperoleh: to ~ a skill, memperoleh kemahiran; to ~ a fortune, memperoleh kekayaan; 2. gain by o’s behaviour, action, mendapat: to ~ the nickname "dictator", mendapat gelaran "diktator"; ~ a taste for st, mula menggemari sst; ~ a reputation for st, menjadi terkenal krn sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
develop | thousands of acres of land for housing, kerajaan telah memajukan beribu-ribu ekar tanah utk perumahan; 7. make available, usable, (the natural resources of) memanfaatkan: to ~ the natural resources of a region, memanfaatkan sumber semula jadi sesebuah kawasan; 8. contract, have, mendapat; (infectious or contagious disease) dijangkiti, mendapat; (fever) mula: to ~ an allergy, mendapat alergi; to ~ a rash, mendapat ruam; she ~ed a cold over the weekend, dia mendapat selesema pd hujung minggu itu; ~ a headache, sakit kepala; 9. acquire gradually, mula + approp v: he has ~ed a taste for sushi, dia mula menggemari susyi; she ~ed a gift for puppet-making during her sojourn in Thailand , dia mula menunjukkan kemahirannya dlm seni pembuatan boneka semasa dia tinggal di negeri Thai; 10. (photog) mencuci. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |