bore1 | vt 1. make (as if) with revolving tool, menggerek: to ~ an oil well, menggerek telaga minyak; holes ~d by insects, lubang-lubang yg digerek oleh serangga; 2. make hole in (as if) by using revolving tool, menggerek: he used an electric drill to ~ the plank, dia menggunakan gerudi elektrik utk menggerek papan itu; 3. make by excavating, digging, etc, mengorek: they ~ed a tunnel through the mountain, mereka mengorek terowong melalui gunung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bore1 | vi 1. make a hole (as if) with revolving tool, menggerek: to ~ for oil, menggerek utk mencari minyak; 2. be pierced (as if) by revolving tool, digerek: this wood does not ~ well, kayu ini tdk mudah digerek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gimlet | vt menggerimit, menggerudi, menggerek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |