corrosive | adj 1. that wears away by chemical reaction, mengakis: a ~ acid, asid yg mengakis; 2. destructive, merosakkan: ~ influence, pengaruh yg merosakkan; 3. cutting, spiteful, menghiris: ~ remarks, kata-kata yg menghiris; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carve | vt 1. cut into portions, memotong; (into thin slices) menghiris: to ~ a roast chicken, memotong daging ayam panggang; 2. fashion by cutting, chiselling, etc, mengukir: to ~ a block of wood into a bird, mengukir sebongkah kayu utk dijadikan seekor burung; to ~ floral patterns on a window frame, mengukir corak bunga-bungaan pd bingkai tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | b. (by splitting, halving) membelah: to ~ wood, membelah kayu; to ~ the apples into halves, membelah dua epal-epal itu; c. (by slicing) menghiris: ~ the onions and fry until golden brown, hiris bawang dan goreng hingga kuning; d. (with scissors) memotong, menggunting: to ~ velvet, memotong kain baldu; e. (with saw) menggergaji; f. (with axe) mengapak; 3. also ~ down, fell, menebang: to ~ the old rubber trees, menebang pokok getah tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |