calculate | vi mengira, menghitung: a machine designed to ~ speedily and accurately, mesin yg direka utk mengira dgn cepat dan tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | keep ~, mengira, menghitung: he kept ~ of the sheep as they passed through the gate, dia mengira kambing biri-biri itu semasa kambing-kambing tersebut melalui pintu pagar; lose ~, tdk terkira lagi: I have lost ~ of the number of times I fell, saya tdk terkira lagi berapa kali saya jatuh; out for the ~, a. (boxing) tewas selepas kiraan; b. (fast asleep) tidur mati; (be completely exhausted) betul-betul letih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calculate | vt 1. compute, mengira, menghitung: to ~ the interest on savings, mengira faedah atas simpanan; 2. estimate, mengira-ngira, memperhitungkan: to ~ the chances of success, mengira-ngira kemungkinan akan tercapainya kejayaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enumerate | vt 1. mention one by one, menyebut satu per satu: he ~d the reasons for the child’s failure, dia menyebut satu per satu sebab-sebab budak itu gagal; 2. count,menghitung, mengira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | vt 1. call out numbers in order, /mengira, membilang/ hingga: she closed her eyes and ~ed ten, dia menutup mata dan membilang hingga sepuluh; 2. find the total of, mengira, menghitung: he ~ed the number of Smiths in the telephone book, dia mengira nama Smith dlm buku panduan telefon; have the votes been ~ed yet?, sudahkah kertas undi dikira?; 3. take into account, mengambil kira, mengira: there are 20 glasses in all if you ~ these as well, ada 20 gelas semuanya jika awak mengambil kira yg ini juga; 4. regard as, menganggap: I no longer ~ her among my friends, saya tdk lagi menganggapnya sbg salah seorang sahabat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |