dictate | vt 1. say, read (st) aloud for so. to write down, mengimlakkan, merencanakan: to ~ a letter, mengimlakkan sepucuk surat; 2. impose authoritatively, menetapkan: to ~ the terms of the agreement, menetapkan syarat-syarat perjanjian itu; 3. determine, menentukan: designers who ~ public taste, pereka fesyen yg menentukan cita rasa orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dictate | vi 1. say aloud for so. to write down, mengimlakkan + approp n: the manager is at present dictating to his secretary, pengurus itu sedang mengimlakkan sepucuk surat kpd setiausahanya; 2. direct, mengikut: to act as the heart ~s, bertindak mengikut hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |