weld | vt 1. mengimpal: the plates are ~ed to the columns, plat itu dikimpal pd tiang; 2. (fig.) menyatukan: trouble only served to ~ the people together and give them more strength, kesusahan telah menyatukan rakyat dan memberi mereka lebih kekuatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seal 1 | ~ off st, block access to, menutup sst; (area of land) menutup jalan masuk ke: to ~ off the pipe by welding one end__, menutup paip dgn mengimpal salah satu hujungnya; police ~ed off the area after the explosion, polis menutup kawasan tersebut selepas berlakunya letupan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |