condemn | vt 1. censure, mengutuk: the public ~ed the cruel act, orang ramai mengutuk perbuatan kejam itu; 2. show the guilt of, menunjukkan sso bersalah: her nervousness ~ed her, kegugupannya menunjukkan dia bersalah; 3. give judgement against, menghukum: the prisoner was ~ed to death, banduan itu dihukum mati; 4. pronounce unfit for use, a. (of ship etc) mengisytiharkan tdk selamat utk digunakan: the ship was ~ed as unseaworthy, kapal itu diisytiharkan tdk sesuai digunakan di laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damn | vt 1. doomed to hell, melaknat, mengutuk: but he that believeth not shall be ~ed, tetapi barang siapa yg tdk percaya akan Tuhan akan dilaknat; 2. condemn, mengecam hebat, menyelar: the play was ~ed by the critics, drama itu telah dikecam hebat oleh para pengkritik; to ~ a person’s character, mengecam hebat perangai sso; 3. curse, menyumpah, menyeranah: he ~ed the dog for getting in the way, dia menyumpah anjing itu krn menghalang jalannya; ~ so., /sial, celaka, jahanam/ /betul, sungguh/ sso: ~ him, he ought to be more careful, sial sungguh dia, sepatutnya berhati-hatilah sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denounce | vt 1. declare as evil, blameworthy, mengecam, mengutuk: to ~ so’s traitorous deeds, mengecam perbuatan khianat sso; to be ~d as an impostor, dikecam sbg penipu; the court ~d him for such a terrible crime, mahkamah mengecamnya krn jenayah yg teruk itu; 2. inform against, mengadukan: his own brother ~d him to the police, abangnya sendiri mengadukannya kpd polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knocker | n 1. object attached to door and used for knocking, pengetuk pintu; 2. (derog) so. who always finds faults, (orang yg) suka /mencari kesalahan, mengutuk/; 3. (in pl), (sl & vulg) woman’s br | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |