budding | adj sedang meningkat: a ~ writer, penulis yg sedang meningkat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ageing | adj 1. becoming old, meningkat tua: her ~ husband, suaminya yg meningkat tua; 2. rel to growing old, tua: to slow down the ~ process, melambatkan proses tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | 2. increase, improve, bertambah, makin, semakin, meningkat; (in weight, value) bertambah, naik: a theory that is ~ing in popularity, teori yg bertambah popular or teori yg meningkat kepopularannya; to ~ in influence, semakin berpengaruh; the political party has ~ed in strength, parti politik itu bertambah kuat; she is ~ing in weight, berat badannya bertambah; 3. (of clock, watch) cepat: my watch ~s, jam saya cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciate | vi naik, meningkat, bertambah: the value of the property ~s yearly, nilai harta itu naik setiap tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | vi 1. move forward, a. (in positon) mara: the search-party has ~d two miles upstream, pasukan penyelamat telah mara dua batu ke hulu; the flood waters ~d slowly, air bah beransur-ansur mara; b. (of night) semakin /larut, jauh/: as the night ~d, we became more worried, semakin larut malam, kami semakin bimbang; c. (of evening) semakin /kelam, gelap/; d. (of day) berlalu; 2. progress, meningkat maju: a country that has ~d tremendously since independence, negara yg telah meningkat maju dgn pesat sejak kemerdekaan; he ~d rapidly under the new management, dia meningkat maju dgn cepat di bawah pengurusan baru; 3. rise, meningkat; (of price, cost) meningkat, naik: sales ~d steadily, jualan terus meningkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hierarchy | n graded system, hierarki, tatatingkat: going up in the ~ of the civil service, meningkat naik dlm hierarki perkhidmatan awam; ~ of values, tatatingkat nilai; occupational ~, hierarki pekerjaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | ~ on, a. (of time) terus merangkak; b. (of age) meningkat, merangkak: old age is ~ing on, usia terus merangkak tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | ~ up on, a. approach silently or unobserved, /mendekati, merapati, menghampiri/ secara diam-diam: a lion ~ing up on its quarry, seekor singa yg sedang mendekati mangsanya secara diam-diam; b. (of old age) meningkat, merangkak: old age ~s up on one unawares, tanpa disedari usia meningkat tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | lain; impatient to find out how the story ended, she ~ed to the last chapter, krn tdk sabar utk mengetahui kesudahan cerita itu, dia melompat ke bab akhir; 6. rise suddenly, melambung naik, /meningkat, bertambah/ dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/; (of price, rent, etc), /melambung, melompat/ naik, naik dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/: exports ~ed last year, eksport melambung naik tahun lepas; the population ~ed to 16,000,000, jumlah penduduk meningkat dgn tiba-tiba ke 16,000,000; due to the sudden increase in demand, the price of palm oil ~ed sharply, oleh sebab permintaan bertambah dgn tiba-tiba, harga minyak sawit melambung naik; 7. (of heart) berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar apabila terpandang lelaki itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflate | vi 1. become filled with air or gas, mengembung, menggembung, menggelembung; 2. (of price etc) naik, meningkat: building costs have ~d considerably, kos bangunan naik dgn banyaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |