imitative | adj 1. tending to imitate, copy, suka meniru: children are generally ~, anak-kanak biasanya suka meniru; 2. imitating through mimicry, mengajuk: he made a gesture ~ of his father, dia membuat gerak isyarat mengajuk bapanya; 3. following the example of so., st, meniru: as an artist, he is ~ rather than creative, sbg pelukis, dia lebih cenderung meniru drpd bersifat reatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crib | vi 1. (colloq) copy, meniru, mencedok: he ~ bed with out compunction, dia meniru tanpa rasa bersalah; he was accused of ~bing in the exam, dia dituduh meniru semasa peperiksaan; 2. (colloq) grumble, bersungut, merungut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitate | vt 1. follow as model, example, meniru, mencontoh: the boy tries to ~ his elder brother in every way, budak itu mencuba meniru kelakuan abangnya dlm segala hal; 2. mimic, mengajuk: comedians who ~ prominent people to amuse their audiences, pelawak-pelawak yg mengajuk telatah orang-orang terkenal utk menghiburkan hati para penonton; the bird can ~ a dog’s bark, burung itu dapat mengajuk salakan anjing; 3. produce, make a likeness of, meniru: his style is difficult to ~, gaya penulisannya sukar ditiru; 4. resemble, be like (in appearance) menyerupai, kelihatan spt: the plastic is grained to ~ wood, plastik itu dikira supaya menyerupai kayu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faddish | adj 1. (of person) suka /meniru-niru, mengikut-ikut/: ~ teenagers, muda-mudi belasan tahun yg suka meniru-niru; 2. (of things) menjadi /tiru-tiruan, ikut-ikutan, fad/: the ~ collection of autographs among schoolchildren,pengumpulan autograf yg menjadi tiru-tiruan di kalangan murid-murid sekolah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
echo | n 1. repetition of sound, gema, gaung, talun: the ~es of their shots finally died away, gema tembakan mereka akhirnya lenyap; to the ~, dgn [tepukan, tepuk sorak] yg /bergema, bergemuruh/: his speech was applauded to the ~, pidatonya disambut dgn tepukan yg bergema; 2. (fig.) imitation (of opinion, idea, etc) meniru, membeo: his essay was merely an ~ of the author’s opinion, eseinya hanya meniru pendapat pengarang itu;3. imitator, peniru, pembeo, meniru, membeo: the student is just an ~ of his teacher, murid itu meniru gurunya saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
echo | vt 1. repeat sounds, reverberate, menggemakan, menggaungkan, bergema, bergaung: the cave ~ed the sound of their voices, suara mereka bergema di gua itu; 2. imitate (opinion, idea, etc) meniru, membeo: he ~ed his leaders’ sentiments, dia membeo sentimen pemimpin-pemimpinnya; to ~ so’s words, meniru kata-kata sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitation | n 1. mimicry, ajukan, cara mengajuk: his ~ of Mae West evoked applause, cara dia mengajuk Mae West menyebabkan penonton bertepuk; give an ~, mengajuk; 2. act of following as model or example, peniruan, meniru: in the 1960’s many young men grew long hair in ~ of The Beatles, pd tahun 60-an ramai anak muda menyimpan rambut panjang krn meniru umpulan The Beatles; 3. copy, counterfeit, (approp n) tiruan: beware of ~s, hati-hati supaya tdk terbeli barang tiruan; ~ pearls, mutiara tiruan; ~ leather, ulit tiruan; ~ gold, emas /tiruan, lancung/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | vt 1. also ~ /down, out/, transcribe, menyalin: the pupils copied the formula from the blackboard, murid-murid menyalin formula dr papan hitam; 2. make a copy of, membuat salinan; 3. imitate, follow, meniru: none can ~ his style of writing, tiada sesiapa yg boleh meniru gaya penulisannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affect2 | vt 1. pretend to feel, have, etc, berpura-pura: he ~ed not to hear, dia berpura-pura tdk mendengar; to ~ innocence, berpura-pura tdk tahu; to ~ illness, berpura-pura sakit; 2. imitate, meniru: he ~ed the American accent, dia meniru loghat orang Amerika; 3. like, prefer to use, suka menggunakan; (clothing) suka memakai: he ~s long complicated sentences, dia suka menggunakan ayat-ayat yg panjang dan rumit; a woman who ~s very unusual clothes, seorang wanita yg suka memakai pakaian yg luar biasa; 4. assume character etc of, berlagak /sbg, spt/: he likes to ~ the great philosopher, dia suka berlagak spt ahli falsafah agung; 5. live, grow in, /terdapat, hidup/ di: polar bears that ~ the coastal regions of the Arctic, beruang kutub yg terdapat di kawasan pinggir laut Artik; 6. tend to assume, mengambil bentuk: cells ~ing hexagonal form, sel-sel yg mengambil bentuk heksagon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mime | vt 1. (foll by n) mengajuk, meniru: he ~d the movements of a gorilla, dia mengajuk pergerakan seekor gorila; 2. (foll by v) membuat aksi: he ~d walking on a tightrope, dia membuat aksi berjalan di atas rent | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |