guard | vt 1. a. watch over or protect (so.) mengawal, menjaga keselamatan: soldiers ~ the prince wherever he goes, askar-askar menjaga keselamatan putera raja itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; b. watch over (st) mengawal; (colloq) menjaga: four armed policemen ~ed the gold consignment, empat orang polis yg bersenjata mengawal konsainan emas itu; the dog can ~ the house, anjing itu boleh menjaga rumah; c. protect (secret, reputation, etc) menjaga: he ~ed his reputation jealously, dia menjaga nama baiknya dgn penuh waspada; 2. watch over so as to prevent from escaping, mengawal: the dangerous prisoner was closely ~ed, banduan yg berbahaya itu dikawal rapi; 3. control entry, exit at certain point, menjaga, mengawal: the entrance is well ~ed, pintu masuk itu dikawal rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jealous | adj 1. resentful towards another because of rivalry (esp in sexual love) cemburu: a ~ lover, kekasih yg cemburu; 2. envious, iri hati, cemburu: he has always been ~ of his little brother, dia sentiasa iri hati thdp adiknya; to be ~ of so’s good looks, cemburu akan kecantikan paras sso; she was ~ of her neighbours’ lovely house, dia iri hati krn rumah jirannya cantik; 3. watchful in guarding possession, right, etc, menjaga [n] (dgn baik): a man who is ~ of his position, lelaki yg menjaga kedudukannya dgn baik; to be ~ of o’s independence, menjaga kebebasan sso dgn baik; keep a ~ eye on so., menjaga sso dgn baik; 4. resulting from jealousy, cemburu: he got into a ~ rage, dia naik darah krn cemburu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jealousy | n 1. resentment towards another because of rivalry (esp in sexual love), /rasa, perasaan/ cemburu: blinded by ~, dikuasai perasaan cemburu; 2. envy, /rasa, perasaan/ /iri hati, cemburu/; 3. watchful vigilance, (menjaga) dgn baik: to guard o’s right with ~, menjaga hak sso dgn baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | keep ~, menjaga kesihatan: the doctor declared him ~ to play in the final, doktor mengesahkan bahawa dia cukup sihat utk bermain dlm pertandingan akhir; 3. right and proper, sepatutnya, sewajarnya: he did not think ~ to see her, dia fikir sepatutnya dia tdk berjumpa dgn wanita itu; it is not ~ that you should treat him so, kamu tdk sepatutnya memperlakukannya demikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cherish | vt 1. care for tenderly, menjaga dgn baik: he ~ed her as if she were his own daughter, dia menjaganya dgn baik spt anaknya sendiri; 2. (harbour) menaruh; (treasure) menghargai: she ~es the hope that her son will recover completely, dia menaruh harapan semoga anaknya akan betul-betul sembuh; the trip will be an experience you will ~ all your life, lawatan itu akan merupakan pengalaman yg dihargai sepanjang hayat kamu; ~ so’s memory, mengenang-ngenang sso: he ~ed the memory of his dead wife, dia mengenang-ngenang isterinya yg telah meninggal dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attend | vt 1. be present at, menghadiri, hadir di; (classes, lectures) mengikuti, menghadiri: to ~ a seminar, menghadiri seminar; his lectures were well ~ed, banyak orang yg mengikuti kuliahnya; 2. go to, pergi ke, ke: my brother will not be ~ing school today, adik saya tdk akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini; to ~ church, pergi ke gereja; 3. study at, belajar di: she ~ed a boarding school, dia belajar di sekolah berasrama; 4. look after, menjaga; (by doctor, nurse, etc) merawat: to ~ the poor, menjaga orang-orang miskin; he was ~ed by an experienced doctor, dia dirawat oleh seorang doktor yg berpengalaman; 5. accompany, menyertai: success at last ~ed our efforts, kejayaan akhirnya menyertai usaha kami; 6. escort, accompany, mengiringi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
department | n 1. (of government, university) jabatan: Education D~, Jabatan Pendidikan; the D~ of Malay Studies, Jabatan Pengajian Melayu; 2. (of business concern) bahagian: the advertising ~, bahagian pengiklanan; the ladies’ wear ~, bahagian pakaian wanita; 3. (colloq) area of special knowledge, activity, kerja: looking after the children is not my ~, menjaga anak-anak bukan kerja saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brood | n 1. family of young animals from one hatching, anak-anak: our hen has a new ~, ayam betina kami ada anak-anak yg baru menetas; 2. (derog or humorous) family of children, anak-anak: a mother looking after her ~, seorang ibu yg menjaga anak-anaknya; 3. group having common nature, kumpulan: a ~ of junkies, sekumpulan penagih dadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | vt 1. a. avoid, mengelakkan diri, mengelak drpd: they left for the country to ~ the crowds, mereka pergi ke desa utk mengelakkan diri drpd orang ramai; he dived into a creek to ~ being burnt to death, dia terjun ke dlm caruk utk mengelakkan diri drpd mati terbakar; she was thankful to ~ the responsibility of looking after the children, dia bersyukur krn dapat mengelak drpd menjaga kanak-kanak itu; ~ death, terselamat drpd maut; narrowly ~, nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir): we narrowly ~d being drowned when our boat capsized, kami nyaris-nyaris mati tenggelam semasa bot kami terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |