incarnate | vt 1. ive bodily form, menjelmakan; ~ os, menjelma: the demon ~ itself as a serpent, hantu itu menjelma sbg ular; 2. (of person) melambangkan: a woman who ~s all the virtues, wanita yg melambangkan segala yg baik; admirable qualities are ~d in the hero, wira itu melambangkan sifat-sifat terpuji; 3. put (idea etc) into material form, menjelmakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assume | 9. take on, [various translations]; (visible form) menjelma menjadi: our plans are at last assuming shape, rancangan kami akhirnya menjadi kenyataan; everything ~d a new significance, segala-galanya mendapat pengertian baru; his illness ~d a grave character, penyakitnya menjadi teruk; it was said that the witch could ~ the shape of a wolf, kata orang, ahli sihir itu dapat menjelma menjadi serigala; 10. usurp, appropriate, merampas, merebut: the rebels ~d control of the southern islands, pemberontak-pemberontak itu telah merampas kuasa di pulau-pulau selatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | vi 1. become visible, a. (suddenly) muncul; (of spiritual, supernatural being) menjelma; (of star) terbit; (of rash) timbul: a masked man ~ed in the doorway, seorang lelaki bertopeng muncul di pintu; the devil ~ed before him in the guise of a tiger, hantu itu menjelma di hadapannya dlm bentuk seekor harimau; stars ~ing one by one, bintang terbit satu demi satu; as soon as spots ~ed, the patient’s temperature started to fall, sebaik sahaja bintik-bintik timbul, suhu badan pesakit itu pun turun; b. (slowly) kelihatan: the clouds rolled away and the sun ~ed, awan berarak dan matahari pun kelihatan; they could hear the train long before it ~ed, mereka terdengar akan bunyi kereta api itu lama sebelum kereta api itu kelihatan; the reef only ~s when the tide is low, terumbu karang kelihatan hanya apabila air surut; a smile ~ed on his lips, dia kelihatan tersenyum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bestial | adj 1. of, like a beast, (spt) binatang: the belief that a man could assume ~ form after death, kepercayaan bahawa manusia dapat menjelma dlm bentuk binatang selepas mati; the ~ signs of the zodiac, lambang-lambang binatang dlm zodiak; 2. brutal, savage, kejam, zalim; (of person) bersifat kebinatangan; (of cruelty) dahsyat: the ~ commander of a concentration camp, ketua tentera yg bersifat kebinatangan di kem tahanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghost | n 1. spirit of dead person, (regarded as benevolent) roh; (regarded as malevolent) hantu: the ~ of Hamlet’s father appeared before him, roh bapa Hamlet menjelma di hadapannya; ~ stories, cerita-cerita hantu; 2. (liter.) faint trace, bayangan: the ~ of a smile, bayangan senyuman; haven’t (got) the ~ of a chance, (colloq) tak ada can langsung: you haven’t the ~ of a chance of marrying her, kamu tak ada can langsung utk kahwin dgn dia; 3. see GHOST-WRITER; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |