Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | منجومڤاءي

Definisi : berjumpa dgn: polis ~ sebilah parang di belakang rumah mangsa pem­bunuhan itu; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | منجومڤاءي

Definisi : mendapati; menemui: Mereka ~ beberapa mayat di bawah timbunan runtuhan itu. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : berjumpa, menjumpai, memperjumpakan, terjumpa, perjumpaan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

find2. discover by chance, menjumpai, menemui, mendapati; (st which one or so. has lost) menjumpai, menemui; (so. or st esp in a place where it is not unusual for so. or st to be found) mendapati; (so. or st doing st) mendapati: he was found dead in his hotel room, dia dijumpai or didapati mati di bilik hotelnya; we found several errors in the calculations, kami mendapati or menjumpai beberapa kesilapan dlm kiraan itu; I found a diamond ring in the drain, saya menjumpai cincin berlian di dlm longkang; when she arrived at the office she found a bouquet on her desk, apabila dia tiba di pejabat, dia mendapati sejambak bunga di atas mejanya; when I got to the house, I found two youths climbing over the front gate, apabila sampai di rumah itu, saya mendapati dua orang pemuda sedang memanjat pintu pagar depan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hit7. find what is sought, menjumpai, menemui: the drillers finally ~ oil, penggerudi-penggerudi itu akhirnya menjumpai minyak; 8. arrive at, sampai ke: we were lost for an hour before we ~ the main road, kami sesat selama sejam sebelum sampai ke jalan besar; 9. reach, mencapai; (a low point) jatuh ke: this car can ~ a speed of 150 kph, kereta ini boleh mencapai had laju 150 kmsj; the price of oil ~ an all-time low, harga minyak jatuh ke paras yg paling rendah; 10. appear in or on, a. (of product) muncul: there was a rush for the product when it first ~ the market, orang berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan keluaran itu apabila keluaran berkenaan pertama kali muncul di pasaran; b. (of news) tersiar: the story ~ the front pages in all the local newspapers, cerita itu tersiar di muka depan semua akhbar tempatan; c. (of magazine, newspaper) mula dijual;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findvt 1. a. discover (person or object) as a result of searching, menjumpai, menemukan: they found gold in the river, mereka menjumpai emas di sungai itu; b. succeed in finding, dapat mencari; (st for so.) dapat mencari, mendapatkan; (someone something) dapat mencarikan, mendapatkan: I don’t think we’ll ~ her before sunset, saya rasa kita tdk akan dapat mencarinya sebelum senja; I can ~ no fault in the argument, saya tdk dapat mencari kesalahan dlm hujah itu; can you ~ time to do it?, bolehkah kamu mencari masa utk membuatnya?; has he found a job for his son yet?, sudahkah dia mendapatkan pekerjaan utk anaknya?; the university found me a nice house in Bangsar, pihak universiti dapat mencarikan saya rumah yg elok di Bangsar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findern 1. one who finds, penjumpa, orang yg menjumpai + approp n: lost: Siamese cat, male, with leather collar. Reward for ~, hilang: kucing Siam, jantan, memakai kolar kulit. Hadiah utk penjumpa; ~s keepers, siapa jumpa dia punya; 2. (of telescope) pencari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
discovervt 1. be the first to come upon, menemui, menjumpai; (new place, substance, etc) menemukan: the security guard ~ed the bomb on the doorsteps of the building, pengawal keselamatan menemui bom itu di tangga bangunan; Columbus ~ed America, Columbus menemukan Amerika; a well-known pharmaceutical company ~ed new uses for the chemical, sebuah syarikat farmasi yg terkenal telah menemukan kegunaan-kegunaan baru bahan kimia itu; 2. find out, mendapat tahu ttg: the police have ~ed their plans, polis telah mendapat tahu ttg rancangan mereka; to ~ the pleasures of reading, mendapat tahu ttg keseronokan membaca; 3. realize, menyedari: he ~ed that he had made a mistake, dia menyedari bahawa dia telah membuat kesilapan; 4. recognise and make known a new talent, memperkenalkan: Sarimah was ~ed by P. Ramlee, Sarimah telah diperkenalkan oleh P. Ramlee.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
among(st)5. in the group, number, etc specified, antara: he found the letter ~ some old photographs, dia menjumpai surat itu antara gambar-gambar lama; ~ his good qualities, antara sifat-sifatnya yg baik; one ~ hundreds of students, satu antara beratus-ratus pelajar; he numbered ~ the great men of his age, dia tergolong antara orang-orang terkemuka pd zamannya; reckoned ~ his best plays, dianggap antara drama-dramanya yg terbaik; 6. outstanding in the category of, contoh: a sculptor ~ sculptors, seorang pengukir contoh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
escape2. means of escaping from a place, [various translations]: the police later found the ~ vehicle near an abandoned house, polis kemudian menjumpai kenderaan yg digunakan utk melarikan diri berhampiran dgn sebuah rumah tinggal; an ~ route, jalan [sso] melarikan diri; ~ valve, injap lepas; 3. (st that provides)temporary distraction, melepaskan diri drpd: television is for many a means of ~, televisyen bagi kebanyakan orang adalah cara utk melepaskan diri; 4. seepage or leakage of gas, liquid, etc, keluar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findn jumpaan, temuan: the latest archaeological ~, temuan arkeologi yg terbaru; so. is a /great, real, marvelous, etc/ ~, sso beruntung mendapat sso: our new maid is quite a ~, kami beruntung mendapat pembantu rumah yg baru ini; st is a /great, real, marvelous, etc /~, sso beruntung menjumpai sst: this antique shop is a real ~, saya beruntung menjumpai kedai antik ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hoardn 1. st amassed, (sst) yg dikumpulkan: a ~ of gold coins, duit-duit emas yg dikumpulkan; 2. hidden reserve of st, sorokan: the police found a ~ of stolen goods, polis telah menjumpai sorokan barang-barang curi; 3. (archaeol) khazanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ out, a. leave house, shelter, etc, keluar: don’t ~ out in this weather, jangan keluar dlm cuaca begini; he is too shy to ~ out with girls, dia terlalu malu utk keluar dgn gadis-gadis; b. (of light, fire) become extinguished, padam, mati: the light went out before I could find my keys, lampu itu padam sebelum saya menjumpai anak kunci saya; the fire went out, api itu padam; c. (of tide) surut: the tide has ~ne out, air sudah surutKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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