boost | vt 1. encourage, merangsang: his presence ~ed our morale, kehadirannya merangsang semangat kami; 2. (colloq) also ~ up, push from below, menolak [sso] ke atas: he ~ed his son into the saddle, dia menolak anaknya naik ke atas pelana; 3. increase, menggalakkan; (prices) menaikkan: we need to ~ production by 20%, kita perlu menggalakkan pengeluaran supaya meningkat sebanyak 20%; to ~ the economy, menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi; 4. promote (so.) vigorously, menaikkan nama; 5. (electr) menggalakkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ off, tanggal (apabila diberus): the stain won’t ~ off, kesan kotor ini tdk mahu tanggal; ~ so. off, a. reject so., menolak + approp n: I’ve asked her out several times but each time she ~es me off, sudah beberapa kali saya mengajak dia keluar tetapi setiap kali dia menolak ajakan saya; b. end a relationship with so., meninggalkan sso: I heard on the grape-vine that Adnan’s girlfriend had ~ed him off, saya mendengar khabar angin bahawa teman wanita Adnan telah meninggalkannya; c. avoid meeting or forming a relationship with so., tdk mengendahkan sso: he tried to befriend them but they ~ed him off, dia mencuba berkenalan dgn mereka tetapi mereka tdk mengendahkannya; ~ st off, menyapu sst dr; (by a flicking movement) mengibas sst dr: to ~ breadcrumbs off the table, menyapu serdak roti dr meja; the horse ~ed off the fly with its tail, kuda itu mengibas lalat dr badannya dgn ekornya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ out on, (colloq) a. not tell to, menyembunyikan sst drpd: I know you’re ~ing out on me. Tell me the truth, saya tahu saudara menyembunyikan sst drpd saya. Beritahulah saya yg sebenarnya; b. not yield to, masih menolak: she held out on Sam although he tried his best to win her, dia masih menolak Sam walaupun Sam telah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh utk memenangi hatinya; c. not buy, masih tdk membeli; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decline | vi 1. slope downward, menurun, melandai: the track ~d to the beach, jalan kecil itu menurun ke pantai; 2. deteriorate, diminish, merosot: his power slowly ~d, kuasanya beransur-ansur merosot; the birth rate has been declining for some years, kadar kelahiran telah merosot selama beberapa tahun; the value of the property is declining steadily, nilai harta itu beransur-ansur merosot; 3. refuse, menolak; (to do st) enggan: every time he is invited he ~s, setiap kali dijemput, dia menolak; he ~d to discuss his future plans, dia enggan membincangkan rancangan masa depannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disappointed | adj 1. unhappy because expectation is not fulfilled, kecewa, hampa: he’s ~ that you turned down the offer, dia kecewa krn kamu menolak tawaran itu; 2. frustrated, hancur: ~ hopes, harapan yg hancur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | adj 1. level and horizontal, datar: the floor is not ~, lantai itu tdk datar; the house has a ~ roof, rumah itu berbumbung datar; 2. even, rata: every morning the butler smoothed the newspaper ~ with a warm iron, setiap pagi butler itu menyeterika rata surat khabar dgn seterika yg suam; 3. having little depth, thickness, leper: a ~ plate, pinggan leper; ~ cakes, kek leper; a ~ cap, topi leper; ~ shoes, kasut leper; 4. with broad, level surface, a. (of face) leper, pipih; b. (of nose) pesek, penyek, pipih; 5. (of tyre) deflated, kempis; 6. definite, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: he gave a ~ refusal to their request, dia menolak bulat-bulat permintaan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hearty | adj 1. cordial, mesra: he was given a ~ welcome, dia diberi sambutan yg mesra; 2. enthusiastic, unrestrained, kuat: ~ laughter, ketawa yg kuat; a ~ push, menolak dgn kuat; ~ support, sokongan kuat; 3. (of feelings) amat sangat: ~ dislike, kebencian yg amat sangat; ~ appetite, berselera sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flatly | adv 1. monotonously, secara mendatar: “I see,” he said ~, “Ya?” katanya secara mendatar; 2. firmly, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: she ~ refused to accept my cheque, dia menolak cek saya bulat-bulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cussed | adj (colloq) 1. see CURSED; 2. (of person’s action or behaviour) kedegilan: his ~ refusal to even consider my suggestion was most unreasonable, kedegilannya menolak utk menimbangkan cadangan saya tdk munasabah sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grab | vt 1. seize, take suddenly, a. menyambar: I ~bed it before it fell to the floor, saya menyambarnya sebelum barang itu jatuh ke lantai; she ~bed me by the arm and shoved me into the room, dia menyambar tangan saya dan menolak saya ke dlm bilik; b. (fig.) merebut: this is the only chance you’ve got, so ~ it!, inilah saja peluang bagimu, rebutlah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |