harvest | vi gather, a. (grains) menuai, mengetam: to ~ in June and July, menuai dlm bulan Jun dan Julai; b. (fruits, leaves) memetik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harvest | n 1. gathering of crops, a. (grains) penuaian, pengetaman, kerja-kerja /menuai, mengetam/: everyone in the village helped with the ~, setiap orang dlm kampung itu bantu-membantu dlm kerja-kerja menuai; b. (fruits, leaves) kerja-kerja memetik; 2. yield, a. (of grains), tuaian: half the rice ~ has been destroyed, separuh drpd tuaian padi itu telah musnah; b. (of fruits, leaves) petikan: a good apple ~, petikan epal yg baik; 3. season for gathering, a. (grains) musim /menuai, mengetam/; b. (fruits, leaves) musim memetik: 4. product of an effort, hasil: a search in the archives yielded a good ~ of information, penyelidikan di arkib itu membuahkan hasil maklumat yg baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 7. prune, memangkas, mencantas: the hedge should be ~ from time to time, pokok pagar itu hendaklah dipangkas dr semasa ke semasa; 8. harvest, menuai: the farmer was busy ~ting his wheat crop, peladang itu sibuk menuai tanaman gandumnya; 9. hollow out, make, membuat, mengorek; (as a result of erosion etc) menyebabkan terjadinya [sst]: to ~ a tunnel through the hill, membuat terowong menembusi bukit; the rain-water has ~ small inlets, air hujan itu telah menyebabkan terjadinya alur-alur kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gather | 3. also ~ in, menuai: the wheat crop was ~ed in before the bad weather, tanaman gandum telah dituai sebelum cuaca buruk; 4. pick up piece by piece, memungut, mengutip: the children ~ed shells along the shore, budak-budak itu memungut kulit siput di tepi pantai; 5. pick from place of growth, memetik: to ~ fruits and flowers, memetik buah dan bunga; 6. assume, gain impression, rasa: I ~ that his business is not very successful, saya rasa perniagaannya tdk berapa maju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harvest | vt 1. gather, a. (grains) menuai, mengetam: the paddy is ready to be ~ed, padi itu sudah sampai masanya utk dituai; b. ( fruits, leaves) memetik; 2. (fig.) beroleh; (derog) menerima; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | vi 1. work hard, strive for st, bekerja /bertungkus-lumus, keras/: he ~ed from dawn until dark to get the harvest in, dia bekerja keras dr subuh hingga ke senja utk menuai dan mengumpulkan hasil tanaman; 2. a. advance with difficulty, bersusah payah + approp v; (of car) merangkak; (of ship) berhempas pulas: she ~ed up the stairs carrying two suitcases, dia bersusah payah memanjat tangga dgn membawa dua buah beg pakaian; the ship ~ed through the stormy seas, kapal itu berhempas-pulas menempuh lautan yg bergelora; b. struggle, bergelut: students ~ing through a chemistry exam, penuntut-penuntut yg sedang bergelut menghadapi ujian kimia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
festival | n 1. occasion for religious or customary celebration, (if solemn) perayaan; (if festive) pesta: the Moon Cake F~, perayaan Kuih Bulan; the Harvest F~ in Sabah, Pesta Menuai di Sabah; 2. cultural, musical event or entertainment, pesta, temasya: a pop ~, pesta pop; the Asian Film F~, Pesta Filem Asia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deferment | n penangguhan, penundaan: the ~ of a decision, penangguhan keputusan; ask so. for a ~, meminta tangguh drpd sso: she asked his creditors for a ~ until the harvesting season, dia meminta tangguh drpd pemiutangnya sehingga musim menuai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hire | ~ out, menyewakan: the fishermen often ~ out their boats to tourists, nelayan-nelayan itu selalu menyewakan perahu mereka kpd para pelancong; ~ os out, mengambil upah: he ~s himself out at harvesting time, dia mengambil upah semasa musim menuai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gathering | n 1. act of gathering, a. (gen) pengumpulan, mengumpulkan: the ~ of data is time-consuming, pengumpulan data memakan masa; b. (fruits, flowers) pemetikan, memetik; c. (crop) penuaian, menuai; 2. assembly of people, perhimpunan: a ~ of more than five people requires a police permit, perhimpunan melebihi lima orang memerlukan permit polis; a political ~, perhimpunan politik; 3. meeting, pertemuan, perjumpaan: a family ~, pertemuan keluarga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |