head | vi often ~ /for, towards/, menuju ke; (fig.) menuju ke arah: we are ~ing for the airport, kami sedang menuju ke lapangan terbang; at the rate we are spending we are ~ing for disaster, cara kita berbelanja ini, kita menuju ke arah kemusnahan; ~ for home, pulang, balik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bound4 | adj going, preparing to go towards, menuju ke: a ship ~ for Jamaica, kapal yg menuju ke Jamaica; the west-~ train, kereta api yg menuju ke barat; we are ~ for Australia, kami sedang menuju ke Australia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | ~ towards, a. go in the direction of (so., st) /mara, menuju/ke arah: b. begin to become or reach, /bergerak, menuju/ ke arah: as the country ~d towards independence..., ketika negara itu sedang menuju ke arah kemerdekaan...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 3. affecting (in stated way) untuk, bagi: exercise is good ~ you, senaman elok untukmu; the scandal will be bad ~ the company’s reputation, skandal itu tdk elok untuk nama baik syarikat; 4. in the direction of, ke, menuju ke: the ship is bound ~ China, kapal itu menuju ke negeri China; passengers ~ Kota Kinabalu, penumpang-penumpang ke Kota Kinabalu; hundreds of thousands of war victims fled their villages for the US, beratus-ratus ribu mangsa perang meninggalkan kampung halaman menuju ke AS; 5. over span of, a. (time) selama, buat, untuk; (when length of time is specified) selama: ~ several minutes, buat beberapa minit; ~ many years, selama bertahun-tahun; waited ~ half an hour, menunggu selama setengah jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | vi 1. head for, lead to (a specified direction) menuju: they bore right and soon lost their way, mereka menuju ke kanan dan tdk lama kemudian mereka pun sesat; the road ~s south, jalan itu menuju ke selatan; 2. produce fruit, berbuah: it takes a number of years for the tree to ~, pohon itu mengambil masa beberapa tahun utk berbuah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eastern | adj 1., situated in the east (of) timur: the ~ states of Australia, wilayah timur Australia; 2. timur: the ~ sky, langit di sebelah timur; 3. leading towards the east, menuju ke timur: ~ route, jalan yg menuju ke timur; 4. of the East or its people, (orang) Timur: ~ culture, kebudayaan (orang) Timur; kissing in public is not an ~ practice, berkucupan di khalayak ramai bukannya amalan orang Timur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earth-bound | adj 1. confined to the earth, kegiatan [n] tdk lagi terbatas di darat: armed forces are no longer ~, kegiatan tentera tdk lagi terbatas di darat; 2. heading towards earth, menuju ke bumi: the spaceship is ~, kapal angkasa itu menuju ke bumi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | 4. lead, menuju, menghala: the footpath ~s you to a jungle clearing, lorong kecil itu menuju ke cerang di hutan; 5. introduce, memperkenalkan: the people responsible for ~ing the hydroponic method of cultivation to Malaysia, orang-orang yg bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan kaedah penanaman hidroponik di Malaysia; 6. cause to experience, happen, etc as a consequence, membawa; (shame) membawa, mendatangkan; (of effect of drug) memberikan: he brought honour to his family by his heroism, dia membawa kehormatan kpd keluarganya krn kewiraannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | 4. position of leadership, forefront, kedudukan tinggi: the young actress is rapidly making her way to the ~ pelakon wanita muda itu cepat menuju ke kedudukan tinggi; 5. (mil) barisan hadapan: the fighting was heavy on all ~s, pertempuran yg hebat berlaku di semua barisan hadapan; 6. organized political group, barisan: the Socialist F~, Barisan Sosialis; 7. field of activity, bidang, lapangan: there has been progress on the educational ~, terdapat kemajuan dlm bidang pendidikan; how are things on the home ~, bagaimana hal di rumah; 8. land bordering a lake, street, etc, tepi: barbed wire was erected along the sea ~, dawai mata punai didirikan di sepanjang tepi laut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hatch 1 | vi also ~ out, menetas: as soon as the young crocodiles ~ out they make straight for the water, sebaik saja menetas, anak-anak buaya itu terus menuju ke air; all the eggs have ~ed out, kesemua telur itu sudah menetas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |