lift | get a ~, dapat menumpang: luckily, I got a ~ home before the storm broke, nasib baik saya dapat menumpang balik ke rumah sebelum ribut; give so. a ~, menumpangkan sso: he gave the old lady a ~ to the station, dia menumpangkan perempuan tua itu ke stesen; 4. upward pressure that air exerts on aircraft, daya angkat; 5. elevation of morale, menaikkan semangat: passing the English paper gave me a tremendous ~, lulus kertas bahasa Inggeris itu benar-benar menaikkan semangat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lift | get a ~, dapat menumpang: luckily, I got a ~ home before the storm broke, nasib baik saya dapat menumpang balik ke rumah sebelum ribut; give so. a ~, menumpangkan sso: he gave the old lady a ~ to the station, dia menumpangkan perempuan tua itu ke stesen; 4. upward pressure that air exerts on aircraft, daya angkat; 5. elevation of morale, menaikkan semangat: passing the English paper gave me a tremendous ~, lulus kertas bahasa Inggeris itu benar-benar menaikkan semangat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | 2. give shelter to, lodge, menumpangkan: where are we going to ~ the extra guests?, di manakah hendak kita tumpangkan tetamu yg selebihnya?; the fire victims will be ~d in the school, mangsa-mangsa kebakaran akan ditumpangkan di sekolah itu; 3. provide a place for, menempatkan: the accounting department will be ~d in the new building, jabatan perakaunan akan ditempatkan di bangunan baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | ~ed the baby up and held him in her arms, dia mengangkat budak itu lalu mendukungnya; b. save so. from drowning, menyelamatkan sso: the shipwrecked sailors were ~ed up by a passing vessel, kelasi-kelasi kapal karam itu diselamatkan oleh sebuah kapal yg lalu; c. give so. a lift, /menumpangkan, memberi tumpang kpd/ sso: he ~ed up a hitch-hiker on the way, dlm perjalanannya, dia menumpangkan seorang pengembara tumpang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lift | n 1. act of being lifted, angkat: this trunk’s heavy. One more ~ and it’s up on the stage, peti ini berat. Sekali angkat lagi sampailah ke atas pentas; 2. elevator, lif: the ~ was stuck at the third floor, lif tersangkut di tingkat tiga; 3. free ride in a vehicle, menumpangkan sso: thanks for the ~, terima kasih krn menumpangkan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lift | n 1. act of being lifted, angkat: this trunk’s heavy. One more ~ and it’s up on the stage, peti ini berat. Sekali angkat lagi sampailah ke atas pentas; 2. elevator, lif: the ~ was stuck at the third floor, lif tersangkut di tingkat tiga; 3. free ride in a vehicle, menumpangkan sso: thanks for the ~, terima kasih krn menumpangkan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ride | n 1. (period of) riding, a. (on animal’s back) menunggang /kuda, keldai dll [as appropriate]/: he was tired after his ~, dia keletihan selepas menunggang kuda; give so. a ~ on o’s / back, shoulder/, mengokko sso, membawa sso naik /di belakang, bahu/ sso; give so. a ~, menumpangkan sso; /get, hitch/ a ~ from so., menumpang sso; go for a ~, (on horseback, motor cycle, etc) bersiar-siar dgn /menunggang /kuda, motosikal, dll/; (in a car) bersiar-siar dgn menaiki kereta: we went for a ~ in her car, kami bersiar-siar dgn menaiki keretanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |