descend | vt menuruni: to ~ a flight of stairs, menuruni tangga; to ~ a mine, menuruni lohong lombong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downhill | adv menuruni bukit: to walk ~, berjalan menuruni bukit; go ~, become worse, merosot; (of person, person’s life) bertambah teruk: he went ~ after his retirement, keadaannya bertambah teruk selepas dia bersara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | prep 1. to lower place on a hill etc, menuruni: to run ~ the steep slope, berlari menuruni cerun yg curam itu; 2. along, a. (river, stream, etc in the direction of the sea) ke hilir: we rowed ~ the river, kami mendayung ke hilir sungai itu; b. (road, street, etc) di: as we were walking ~ the narrow lane..., semasa kami berjalan di lorong sempit itu...; what’s the weather like ~ your way?, bagaimana cuaca di tempat kamu?; c. (pipe, tube, etc) melalui, di: water gushing ~ the conduit, air yg mengalir deras melalui pembuluh; d. (surface of) di: blood trickled ~ his cheek, darah meleleh di pipinya; 3. at a point along, a. (river, stream, etc) di hilir: they live ~ the river, mereka tinggal di hilir sungai; b. (road, street etc) di depan sedikit: his room is ~ the corridor, biliknya di depan sedikit koridor ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downhill | adj 1. down a slope, menuruni bukit; 2. (colloq) become easier, mudah saja: once you get through the opening lines, it’ll be all ~, sebaik saja kita dapat memulakannya, perkara itu mudah saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | vi flow freely, mengalir: the stream ~d down the hillside, anak sungai mengalir menuruni lereng bukit itu; tears ~d down her cheeks, air mata mengalir turun di pipinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hair-raising | adj menggerunkan, menyeramkan: the trip down the mountain was a ~ experience, perjalanan menuruni gunung itu merupakan suatu pengalaman yg menggerunkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careen | vi melelong-lelong: the car ~ed down the hill, kereta itu melelong-lelong menuruni bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
helter-skelter | adj & adv lintang-pukang, tunggang-langgang: they ran ~ down the hill, mereka lari lintang-pukang menuruni bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | vt 1. show the way, guide, membawa: the guests were led into the reception hall, tetamu-tetamu dibawa ke dewan sambutan; the children were led down the steps, pelajar-pelajar dibawa menuruni tangga itu; 2. guide by holding, pulling, etc, menuntun: the mother took the little girl’s hand and led her upstairs, ibu itu memegang tangan anak perempuannya lalu menuntunnya ke tingkat atas; he led the horse into the stable, dia menuntun kuda itu ke kandang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drape | ~ st /in, with/, a. (cover st with) menutup sst dgn; (wrap st with) membaluti sst dgn: the coffin was ~d with a flag, keranda itu ditutup dgn bendera; she came down the staircase ~d in a red cloak, dia menuruni tangga, tubuhnya dibaluti jubah merah; b. decorate st with, menghias sst dgn: walls ~d with colourful buntings, dinding yg dihias dgn panji-panji yg berwarna-warni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |