brush1 | ~ (st) /aside, away/, a. sweep st out of the way, menyapu sst: she ~ed aside the broken glass, dia menyapu kaca pecah itu; ~ing away her tears..., sambil menyapu air matanya...; b. deal easily with enemy etc, dgn mudahnya mematahkan sst: they ~ed aside the enemy and marched into the town, mereka dgn mudahnya mematahkan serangan musuh dan mara masuk ke bandar itu; c. dismiss st from consideration, tdk /mengendahkan, mempedulikan/ sst; (difficulties, problems, etc) mengetepikan sst: he ~ed aside all her objections, dia tdk mengendahkan kesemua bantahan wanita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lacquer | vt menyampang; (tech) menyapu lakuer pd; (nails) menyapu pengilat pd: the box was ~ed, peti itu disampang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dust | vt 1. remove dust from, menyapu habuk pd; (room) menyapu habuk di: the furniture needs to be ~ed twice a week, perlu disapu habuk pd perabot itu dua kali seminggu; 2. sprinkle, a. (st with) menaburi: to ~ the cake with icing sugar, menaburi kek dgn gula aising; b. (st on) menaburkan: she ~ed talcum powder all over her body, dia menaburkan bedak talkum ke seluruh badannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dust | vi remove dust, menyapu habuk: the maid came into the room to ~, pembantu rumah itu masuk ke dlm bilik utk menyapu habuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | vt 1. use brush on, memberus; (with sweeping movement) menyapu: to ~ st clean, memberus sst hingga bersih; she ~ed the pie with beaten egg, dia menyapu pai dgn telur yg telah dipukul; 2. apply with a brush, menyapukan: the paint should be ~ed onto the surface with even strokes, cat patut disapukan pd permukaan itu dgn rata; 3. remove, move, a. (with a brush) menyapu: to ~ the ashes into the pan, menyapu abu ke dlm tadahan sampah; b. (by flicking with the hand etc) mengibas: he ~ed a thread of cotton from the coat sleeve, dia mengibas benang kapas dr lengan kotnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | 8. apply paint on a surface, menyapu: be careful to ~ the paint evenly, berhati-hati semasa menyapu cat supaya rata; 9. cause to settle, mengendapkan: he watered the path to ~ the dust, dia menyiram lorong itu utk mengendapkan debu; 10. allay, mengurangkan: he was able to ~ his sister’s doubts with a very convincing explanation, dia dapat mengurangkan keraguan adiknya dgn memberikan penjelasan yg meyakinkan; 11. also ~ flat, bring down with force, knock down to the ground, merebahkan, menyebabkan [sso, sst] rebah: the hail laid the wheat flat, hujan batu telah merebahkan pokok gandum; he was laid flat by the blow, pukulan itu telah menyebabkan dia rebah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | ~ away, a., wipe off hastily, menyapu: she ~ed away her tears before anyone could see that she had been crying, dia cepat-cepat menyapu air matanya sebelum orang lain nampak bahawa dia baru saja menangis; b. see ~ off (sense a.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ so. down, a. also ~ os down, /menyapu, mengibas-ngibas/ + approp n pd + approp n: I pulled her up to her feet and ~ed her down, saya menariknya sehingga dia berdiri tegak dan menyapu habuk pd bajunya; b. scold so. memarahi sso: his superior ~ed him down for being careless, ketuanya memarahinya krn kecuaiannya; ~ st down, memberus sst: he was told to ~ the horse down, dia disuruh memberus kuda itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dust | ~ off st, menyapu /habuk, debu/ pd sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grease | vt apply grease to, menggris, membubuh gris pd; (cake tin etc), /melumuri, menyapu/ [sst] dgn gris: the mechanic ~d the ball-bearings, mekanik itu menggris galas bebola; she ~d the cake tin first, dia melumuri tin kuih dgn gris terlebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |