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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | مڽبلهي

Definisi : menyebelah kpd: dia sentiasa ~ pihak yg benar; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | مڽبلهي

Definisi : menyokong atau membantu sesuatu pihak; berpihak kpd: Ketua badan itu sentiasa ~ orang-orang yg sealiran dgnnya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata menyebelahi

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

causein the ~ of, demi: to fight in the ~ of justice, berjuang demi keadilan; lost ~, usaha yg pasti /gagal, kecewa/, usaha yg tdk berhasil; make common ~ with, menyebelahi, memihak kpd: to make common ~ with the enemy, menyebelahi musuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
angelon the side of the ~s, menyebelahi pihak yg benar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bandwagonn; /climb, jump/ on the ~, /menyertai, menyebelahi/ pihak yg menang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
favourd. to the advantage or profit of, memihak kpd, menyebelahi: the court’s decision was in ~ of the accused, keputusan mahkamah memihak kpd yg tertuduh; e. for, krn memilih utk: he refused a job in ~ of a university education, dia menolak tawaran utk bekerja krn memilih utk melanjutkan pelajaran di universiti; look with ~ on /so., st/, /menyenangi, menyukai/ /sso, sst/; /be, stand/ high in so’s ~, amat /disenangi, disukai, disayangi/ sso; /win, gain/ so’s ~, /memenangi, mengambil/ hati sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
comebefore the war ended, several of their generals came over to our side, sebelum peperangan berakhir beberapa orang jeneral mereka berpaling tadah dan menyebelahi pihak kami; d. take possession of, melanda: a feeling of depression came over her, perasaan murung melandanya; what has ~ over /you, him, etc/ ?, apa yg sudah jadi /pd kamu, padanya, dll/?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
detachedadj 1. not joined to another, berasingan: a ~ bathroom, bilik air berasingan; ~ house, rumah /berasingan, sesebuah/; 2. unbiased, berkecuali, tdk /memihak, menyebelahi mana-mana pihak/: to maintain a ~ attitude towards the whole affair, mengambil sikap berkecuali thdp perkara itu; 3. aloof, bersikap menyendiri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floorthe ~, (Parl) ahli-ahli Dewan; (otherwise) para hadirin: are there any questions from the ~?, ada soalan drpd para hadirin?; the ~ is yours, saudara boleh bercakap sekarang; cross the ~, menyebelahi pihak lawan; have the ~, telah diberi izin utk berucap; be given the ~, diberi izin utk berucap; hold the ~, bercakap terus-menerus: once Sofia started talking about clothes, she held the ~ for more than an hour and no one could stop her, apabila Sofia mula bercakap ttg pakaian, dia bercakap terus-menerus selama satu jam lebih, dan tdk ada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuat dia berhenti; on the ~ of the House, di dlm Dewan; take the ~, a. begin dancing, mula menari; b. start speaking in a debate, mula berucap; wipe the ~ with so., (colloq) menumpaskan sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foot/fleet, swift, etc/ of ~, (liter. or archaic), /berjalan, berlari [as appropriate]/ dgn pantas; /get, rise / to o’s feet, sso /bangun, berdiri/; have feet of clay, mempunyai kelemahan; /have, keep/ a ~ in both camps, (colloq) menyebelahi kedua-dua belah pihak; have a ~ in the door, (colloq) sudah masuk; /have, keep/ both (o’s) ~ on the ground, berpijak di bumi nyata; help so. to his feet, menolong sso berdiri; /jump, scramble/ to o’s feet, /bingkas, bergegas/ /bangun, berdiri/; keep (on) o’s feet, mengimbangi diri sso: he had difficulty in keeping his feet on the muddy path, dia mendapati sukar utk mengimbangi dirinya di lorong yg berselut itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fortunewin a ~, memenangi wang yg banyak; worth a ~, sangat berhaga; 2. fate, destiny, nasib: we must accept such incidents as the ~s of war, kita mesti menerima peristiwa spt itu sbg nasib semasa perang; it was his ~ to fail, although he nearly succeeded, sudah nasibnya dia gagal, walaupun dia hampir-hampir berjaya; F~ smiles on /so., st/, nasib menyebelahi /sso, sst/; seek o’s ~, merantau mencari untung nasib; tell so’s, ~, /menilik, menengok, menenung/ nasib sso; 3. chance, luck, nasib: he tried his ~ at the roulette table, dia mencuba nasibnya di meja roulette; by a stroke of ~, krn bernasib baik; have the good ~, bernasib baik, beruntung: she had the good ~ to travel far and wide, dia bernasib baik dapat mengembara jauh; have the ill ~, bernasib malang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
detachmentn 1. act of detaching, a. (by tearing off) penceraian; b. (by removing) penanggalan; c. (by uncoupling) pemisahan; d. (by releasing) melepaskan; 2. aloofness, sifat suka menyendiri; 3. disinterest, sikap berkecuali, tdk /memihak, menyebelahi mana-mana pihak/; 4. (mil) unit detached, detasmen: naval ~s, detasmen tentera laut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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