bait | vt 1. put bait on, in (st) membubuh umpan /pd, di dlm/: to ~ a hook with worms, membubuh umpan cacing pd mata kail; to ~ a mousetrap, membubuh umpan di dlm perangkap tikus; 2. torment, tease (person) menyeksa jiwa: the older students ~ed the new ones unmercifully, penuntut lama menyeksa jiwa penuntut baru tanpa belas kasihan; 3. harrass (chained animal) with dogs, menyeksa: the dogs were let loose to ~ the chained bear, anjing-anjing itu dilepaskan utk menyeksa beruang yg dirantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gnaw | vt 1. bite continuously, menggerogot; (finger-nails) menggigit-gigit: the puppy ~ed the bone, anak anjing itu menggerogot tulang; 2. bite (way) through st, menebuk; (of ant beetle etc) membuat: a squirrel ~ed a hole in the coconut, tupai menebuk lubang pd buah kelapa itu; white ants have ~ed their way through the back of the cupboard, anai-anai membuat jalan menerusi belakang gerobok; 3. cause distress, anxiety to, menyeksa: sorrow ~ed his heart, kesedihan menyeksa jiwanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead time | n 1. inert mass, berat mati; 2. oppressive burden, beban yg menyeksa; 3. see DEAD LOAD. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erase | vt 1. rub out, memadamkan: she ~d the typing errors, dia memadamkan kesilapan taipan itu; 2. remove completely, meluputkan, menghilangkan: he could not ~ the painful memory of his childhood, dia tdk dapat meluputkan ingatan masa kecilnya yg menyeksa itu; 3. remove recording from magnetic tape or information from a computer, memadamkan: the recording can be ~d and the tape used again, rakaman itu boleh dipadamkan dan pita digunakan semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iron | n 1. (metallic element) besi; (found in food, blood) zat besi: ~ and steel industry, industri besi dan keluli; ~ bars, batang besi; a wrought ~ gate, pintu pagar yg dibuat drpd besi tempa; spinach has high ~ content, bayam mengandungi zat besi yg banyak; 2. implement, tool made of iron, besi: soldering ~, besi pematerian; hot ~s were used to torture prisoners, besi panas digunakan utk menyeksa banduan; branding ~, besi penyelar; 3. implement for pressing clothes, seterika; 4. golf-club with metal or steel heads, kayu golf besi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflict | ~ on; /~ os, o’s company/ on so., menyusahkan sso: I do not wish to ~ myself on you but then I have no one else to turn to, saya tdk mahu menyusahkan kamu tetapi tdk ada orang lain yg dapat menolong saya; ~ so. on so., see (sense 2.); ~ st on so., see (senses 1.a., b. & c.); ~ a blow on so., memukul sso; ~ defeat on so., mengalahkan sso; ~ pain on so., /menyakiti, menyakitkan/ sso; ~ torture on so., menyeksa sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |