finalize | vt menyelesaikan; (fml) memuktamadkan: we must ~ preparations for the wedding, kita mesti menyelesaikan persediaan utk perkahwinan itu; the details of the royal visit have yet to be ~d, butir-butir ttg lawatan diraja itu belum lagi dimuktamadkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodate | 4. settle, menyelesaikan: they could not ~ their differences, mereka tdk dapat menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka; 5. oblige, menolong: they only did it to ~ an old client, mereka berbuat demikian hanya utk menolong pelanggan lama; 6. supply, memberi: the bank ~d him with a loan, bank itu memberinya pinjaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compose | 4. (fml) settle, menyelesaikan: both parties were eager to ~ their differences, kedua-dua pihak ingin sekali menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka dgn segera; 5. calm, control, menenangkan, menenteramkan; (o’s features) memperlihatkan [air muka] yg tenang: in spite of her nervousness, she managed to ~ herself, walaupun gugup dia masih dapat menenangkan dirinya; to ~ o’s thoughts, menenangkan fikiran sso; 6. (printing) mengatur huruf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | 4. arrive at an agreement, settle, menyelesaikan; (regarding time, place) menentukan, menetapkan: let us ~ our differences, marilah kita menyelesaikan perselisihan kita; have you ~d a date for the party yet?, sudahkah kamu menetapkan tarikh bagi majlis itu?; we must ~ a place for the next meeting, kita hendaklah menentukan tempat utk mesyuarat yg akan datang; 5. (mus) menyusun: to ~ an orchestral score for the piano, menyusun skor orkestra utk piano; 6. adapt (play etc) for broadcasting, menyesuaikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | vt 1. complete, /menyiapkan, menyudahkan, menyelesaikan, menghabiskan/ [n], /selesai, habis, siap/ [v]: the builders have to ~ the swimming pool before the end of next week, tukang-tukang itu mesti menyiapkan kolam renang or mesti menghabiskan kerja membina kolam renang sebelum hujung minggu depan; when will you ~ that dress?, bilakah kamu akan menyudahkan baju itu?; why is it taking you so long to ~ your homework?, kenapakah kamu mengambil masa yg begitu panjang utk menyelesaikan kerja rumah?; Elizabeth ~ed the novel in one evening, Elizabeth menghabiskan novel itu dlm masa satu petang saja; she hasn’t ~ed praying yet, dia belum selesai bersembahyang lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Gordian knot | n; cut the ~, menyelesaikan masalah dgn cara yg drastik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | I’ve got through a lot of cleaning today, saya dapat menyelesaikan banyak kerja mencuci hari ini; d. finish reading st, (habis, selesai) membaca sst: she can’t possibly ~ through all these files in a week, tdk mungkin dia dapat membaca kandungan semua fail ini dlm masa seminggu; I still haven’t got through the book you lent me last week, saya masih belum habis membaca buku yg kamu pinjamkan minggu lalu; e. move or pass through st, lalu di celah-celah sst: he couldn’t ~ through the crowd, dia tdk dapat lalu di celah-celah orang ramai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
completion | n 1. act of finishing, penyiapan, menyiapkan, menyelesaikan, siap, selesai: the ~ of the essay is his first consideration, pertimbangannya yg pertama adalah utk menyiapkan esei itu; on ~, apabila [n] /siap, selesai/: payment will be made on ~ of contract, bayaran akan dibuat apabila kontrak itu selesai; 2. state of being finished, siap, selesai: the highway is near ~, lebuh raya itu hampir siap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
great | dia tukang masak yg cukup handal; he is ~ at crossword puzzles, dia cukup cekap menyelesaikan teka silang kata; 9. (colloq) enjoyable, seronok betul: we had a ~ holiday, cuti kami seronok betul; 10. (colloq) splendid, baik, bagus: “How are you?” “G~!”, “Apa khabar?” “Baik!”; 11. (colloq), (to express contempt, bitterness) baguslah tu, eloklah tu: you’ve used up all our savings? That’s ~, kamu dah gunakan semua simpanan kita? Eloklah tu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | n 1. piece of work, kerja: to finish a ~ on schedule, menyelesaikan kerja mengikut jadual; 2. (colloq) example of certain type, [not translated]: his new Lincoln Continental is a lovely ~, kereta Lincoln Continentalnya yg baru itu cantik betul; 3. duty, tugas, kerja: his ~ is to tidy the room, tugasnya adalah membersihkan bilik itu; 4. employment, pekerjaan: to apply for a ~, memohon pekerjaan; lose o’s ~, dibuang kerja; 5. criminal act, (perbuatan) jenayah: he spent four years behind bars for a ~ he did in Hong Kong, dia dipenjarakan selama empat tahun krn jenayah yg dilakukannya di Hong Kong; 6. (colloq) st difficult to do, susah (betul): it’s quite a ~ to get to the house, susah betul hendak sampai ke rumah itu; 7. (colloq) plastic surgery operation, mencantikkan: she’s had a nose ~, hidungnya telah dicantikkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |