pinch | vt 1. squeeze, a. (between forefinger and thumb) mencubit: she ~ed the little boy’s cheek playfully, dia mencubit pipi budak lelaki kecil itu secara main-main; b. (between pincers) menyepit: a crab ~ed her toes, ketam menyepit jari kakinya; c. (between two hard surfaces) tersepit: she had her finger ~ed in the cupboard door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu almari; 2. painfully squeeze or press due to lack of space, menggigit: these new shoes ~ my toes, kasut baru ini menggigit jari-jari kaki saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nip 1 | n 1. pinch, bite, a. (with finger and thumb) cubitan; b. (with teeth) gigitan: a cat’s ~ can hurt, gigitan kucing boleh menyakitkan; c. (with beak) patukan, mematuk, mencatuk: the parrot will take a ~ at you, burung nuri itu akan mematuk kamu; d. (with claw) menjepit, menyepit; 2. sharp chill, (udara yg) terasa menggigit: there’s a ~ in the air, udara terasa menggigit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nip 1 | vt 1. pinch, bite, a. (with finger and thumb) mencubit: the boy ~ped my arm, budak itu mencubit lengan saya; b. (with teeth) menggigit: that dog ~s people, anjing itu menggigit orang; c. (with beak) mematuk, mencatuk: the parrot will ~ you if you are not careful, burung kakak tua itu akan mematuk kamu jika kamu tdk berhati-hati; d. (with claw) menyepit, menjepit: I was ~ped by the crab, saya disepit ketam; 2. press, catch between door and doorpost, tersepit, terjepit: the child ~ped her finger in the door, jari kanak-kanak itu tersepit di pintu;__ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nip 1 | vi 1. pinch, bite sharply, a. (with finger and thumb) mencubit: he can ~ sharply, dia boleh mencubit dgn sakitnya; b. (with teeth) menggigit: the cat often ~s, kucing itu selalu menggigit; c. (with beak) mematuk, mencatuk: the bird can ~ quite painfullly, burung itu boleh mematuk dgn agak sakit; d. (with claw) menyepit, menjepit: a crab can ~ quite hard, ketam boleh menjepit dgn kuatnya; 2. (colloq) hurry, pergi: I’ll ~ ahead and buy the ticket, saya akan pergi dulu dan beli tiket; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |