hire | vt 1. pay money to use, menyewa: they ~d a bus for the trip, mereka menyewa sebuah bas utk perjalanan itu; 2. employ temporarily for payment, mengupah: we ~d two men to paint the garage, kami mengupah dua orang utk mengecat garaj itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross | ~ over to, a. (sea, river, etc) menyeberang ke: we hired a boat to ~ over to the island, kami menyewa bot utk menyeberang ke pulau itu; b. (road), /menyeberang, melintas/ jalan ke: he ~ed over to our shop to buy some bread, dia melintas jalan ke kedai kami utk membeli roti; c. (room, courtyard, field, etc) melintas + approp n menuju ke: she ~ed over to the piano, dia melintas bilik menuju ke piano; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approval | n 1. act of sanctioning, kelulusan, kebenaran, izin, meluluskan: ~ for subletting shall not be arbitrarily withheld by the landlord, kebenaran utk menyewa tumpang tdk boleh ditahan dgn sewenang-wenangnya oleh tuan tanah; a letter notifying them of the Council’s ~ of the scheme, sepucuk surat yg memberitahu mereka bahawa Majlis Bandaran telah meluluskan rancangan itu; 2. formal sanction, kelulusan: the board gave its ~ to the proposal, lembaga memberikan kelulusannya thdp cadangan itu; 3. agreement, persetujuan, kebenaran, izin, keizinan: she married without her father’s ~, dia berkahwin tanpa persetujuan bapanya; 4. favourable opinion, suka, berkenan; (preceded by “nod”, “smile”, etc) sbg tanda berkenan: the teacher’s obvious ~ of his behaviour was a boost to his confidence, gurunya yg terang-terang berkenan dgn tingkah lakunya menambahkan lagi keyakinannya; he gave a nod of ~, dia mengangguk sbg tanda berkenan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landlord | n 1. man who lets out room, house, tuan rumah; 2. man who owns, runs a pub etc, tuan punya + approp n; 3. land owner who rents out parts of his property, tuan tanah: the tenant farmers were often exploited by the ~s, para petani yg menyewa sering dieksploit oleh tuan tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |