foreclose | vi 1. terminate agreement, menutup gadai janji; 2. repossess property, merampas harta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dart | vi 1. rush, meluru: to ~ up the stairs, meluru menaiki tangga; he ~ed in and snatched the book from my hand, dia meluru masuk lalu merampas buku itu dr tangan saya; a fawn ~ed out of the thicket, seekor anak rusa meluru keluar dr belukar; the fish ~ed among the corals, ikan-ikan itu meluru-luru di celah-celah batu karang; 2. fly swiftly, terbang dgn lajunya: swallows ~ing about in the sky, burung layang-layang yg terbang dgn lajunya ke sana ke mari di udara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | n 1. a. person who watches over or protects so., st, pengawal: he was stopped by the ~ on the gate, dia ditahan oleh pengawal yg sedang berjaga di pintu pagar itu; the robbers shot the ~ and grabbed the bags of money, perompak-perompak itu menembak pengawal dan merampas beg-beg yg berisi duit; security ~, pengawal keselamatan; b. (esp US) warder, wadar; c. (UK) officer in charge of a railway train, pengawal; 2. the ~, group of soldiers who guard so. or st, barisan pengawal: the changing of the ~, pertukaran barisan pengawal; 3. the G~s, (UK and some other countries) troops employed to protect the sovereign, Pengawal: the Grenadier G~s, Pengawal Grenadier; 4. a. part of machine etc designed to prevent injury, adang; b. st that protects part of body from injury, pelapik, gad: shin ~, pelapik tulang kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
annex | vt 1. add (to a building) menambahkan: a new wing was ~ed to the main block, sebuah bahagian sampingan ditambahkan pd blok utama; 2. append, menambahkan, melampirkan: a glossary was ~ed at the end of the book, satu glosari telah ditambahkan pd bahagian belakang buku; he ~ed a codicil to his will, dia menambahkan satu kodisil pd wasiatnya; 3. take possession of (territory, property, etc) mengilhakkan: Caesar ~ed Britain to the Roman Empire, Caesar telah mengilhakkan Britain pd Empayar Rom; 4. (colloq) take without permission, merampas; 5. attach (as attribute, consequence, condition), (act.) menyertakan; (pass.) ada pd: to ~ a condition to an agreement, menyertakan syarat pd sst perjanjian; the many privileges that are ~ed to the Presidency, hak-hak istimewa yg ada pd jawatan Presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |