approach | vi 1. come nearer (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp n; (of sound) kedengaran semakin dekat: the soldiers ~ed cautiously, ready for combat, askar-askar itu mendekat dgn berhati-hati, bersiap sedia utk bertempur; they could see a storm ~ing from the west, kelihatan pokok ribut berarak menghampiri pantai dr sebelah barat; as the eerie sound ~ed, they became more terrified, apabila bunyi yg menyeramkan itu kedengaran semakin dekat, mereka menjadi bertambah ngeri; 2. come nearer (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of event that fills one with apprehension, reluctance) hampir tiba: her wedding day is fast ~ing, hari perkahwinannya hampir tiba; the day of reckoning ~es, hari pengadilan hampir tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | n 1. act of coming nearer, a. (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp pron or n: at our ~, the intruders fled, penceroboh-penceroboh itu lari apabila kami menghampiri mereka; the ~ of the whirlwind sent people scurrying for shelter, orang-orang lari bertempiaran mencari tempat perlindungan apabila puting beliung menghampiri pelabuhan itu; b. (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of death) hampir tiba, sudah dekat: the ~ of midnight, menjelang tengah malam; 2. approximation, semblance, hampir sama: the account makes some ~ to truth, cerita itu hampir sama dgn yg sebenarnya; a fair ~ to accuracy, hampir tepat; 3. access, jalan masuk: trees line the ~ to the palace, pokok-pokok berderet di sepanjang jalan masuk ke istana; ~ road, jalan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |