gather | ~ from st, drpd sst [sso] merasakan: I ~ from his remarks that he will not be working with us anymore, drpd kata-katanya saya merasakan dia tdk akan bekerja lagi dgn kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | against o’s better ~, (walaupun) sso merasakan sst tdk wajar: I agreed to sell the shares, against my better ~, saya bersetuju menjual saham itu walaupun saya merasakan perbuatan itu tdk wajar; in my ~, my personal ~ is that, /pd, menurut/ pendapat saya: in my ~, the man is a traitor, pd pendapat saya, dia pembelot; of /good, poor/ ~, /dapat membuat, tdk dapat membuat/ pertimbangan yg baik: a man of good ~, lelaki yg dapat membuat pertimbangan yg baik; pass ~, a. give opinion about st, esp a critical one, membuat anggapan: how can you pass ~ when you haven’t got the facts?, bagaimana kamu membuat anggapan sedangkan kamu tdk ada faktanya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | so. thinks that /he, she/ is ~, sso merasakan sso penting sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expedient | adj appropriate, wajar: he found it ~ not to tell them everything, dia merasakan wajar jika dia tdk memberitahu mereka segala-galanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | vt 1. perceive physical sensation, (be)rasa: he felt a sudden pain in his chest, dia berasa sakit yg tiba-tiba di dlm dadanya; he could ~ the cord biting into his wrists, dia dapat rasa tali itu mencerut pergelangan tangannya; 2. be sensitive to, (be)rasa: some people ~ the heat more than others, setengah-setengah orang berasa panas lebih drpd orang lain; 3. examine by touching, merasa: the doctor felt his pulse, doktor merasa denyutan nadinya; 4. have an emotional sensation of, merasakan: she felt the insult deeply, dia sangat-sangat merasakan penghinaan itu; everyone could ~ the tension in the room, setiap orang dapat merasakan suasana tegang di dlm bilik itu; 5. have the impression, merasakan, rasa: they ~ that he should resign, mereka merasakan bahawa dia patut meletakkan jawatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
geniality | n amiability, keramahan, sifat /ramah, mudah mesra/: they sensed that his ~ was rather artificial, mereka merasakan bahawa sifat ramahnya itu dibuat-buat; smile with ~, tersenyum mesra. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dance | ~ attendance on, melayani: she expects people to ~ attendance on her because of her position, dia merasakan orang patut melayaninya krn kedudukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | within o’s ~, dlm jangkauan sso: he could feel that success now was within his ~, dia dapat merasakan bahawa kejayaan sudah dlm jangkauannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediacy | n 1. directness, [various translations]: the ~ of personal experience, pengalaman yg diperoleh secara langsung; I like to preserve a sense of ~ in my broadcasts, saya suka memastikan para penonton merasakan bahawa mereka mendapat maklumat langsung melalui siaran saya; 2. urgency of st which causes it to be dealt with immediately, [various translations]: no one seemed to recognize the ~ of the danger, tiada sesiapa pun sedar bahawa bahaya itu hampir berlaku; there is no ~ about this, perkara ini tdk perlu diambil tindakan segera; the ~ of our need, keperluan kami yg menuntut perhatian segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy | ~ going, difficult, laborious, sukar (utk) + approp v: the driver found it ~ going to get through to the main road, pemandu itu mendapati sukar utk sampai ke jalan besar; children will find this book ~ going, kanak-kanak akan merasakan bahawa buku ini sukar dibaca; ~ industry, industri berat; a ~ sigh, mengeluh panjang; a ~ sleeper, orang yg tidur /mati, nyenyak/; a ~ /smoker, drinker/, kaki /rokok, minum/; ~ with, sarat dgn: the branches were ~ with ripe fruits, dahan-dahan sarat dgn buah-buah yg masak; ~ with /child, young/, sarat; ~ with sleep, mengantuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |