feel | vt 1. perceive physical sensation, (be)rasa: he felt a sudden pain in his chest, dia berasa sakit yg tiba-tiba di dlm dadanya; he could ~ the cord biting into his wrists, dia dapat rasa tali itu mencerut pergelangan tangannya; 2. be sensitive to, (be)rasa: some people ~ the heat more than others, setengah-setengah orang berasa panas lebih drpd orang lain; 3. examine by touching, merasa: the doctor felt his pulse, doktor merasa denyutan nadinya; 4. have an emotional sensation of, merasakan: she felt the insult deeply, dia sangat-sangat merasakan penghinaan itu; everyone could ~ the tension in the room, setiap orang dapat merasakan suasana tegang di dlm bilik itu; 5. have the impression, merasakan, rasa: they ~ that he should resign, mereka merasakan bahawa dia patut meletakkan jawatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediacy | n 1. directness, [various translations]: the ~ of personal experience, pengalaman yg diperoleh secara langsung; I like to preserve a sense of ~ in my broadcasts, saya suka memastikan para penonton merasakan bahawa mereka mendapat maklumat langsung melalui siaran saya; 2. urgency of st which causes it to be dealt with immediately, [various translations]: no one seemed to recognize the ~ of the danger, tiada sesiapa pun sedar bahawa bahaya itu hampir berlaku; there is no ~ about this, perkara ini tdk perlu diambil tindakan segera; the ~ of our need, keperluan kami yg menuntut perhatian segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deeply | adv1. far down, jauh ke dalam: to dig ~, menggali jauh ke dalam; 2. extremely, amat, sungguh, sangat: a ~ moving story, cerita yg amat menyayat hati; to be ~ offended, amat tersinggung; to feel so’s death ~, amat merasakan kematian sso; 3. soundly, dgn /lenanya, nyenyaknya, lenyaknya/: to sleep ~ and dreamlessly, tidur dgn nyenyaknya tanpa bermimpi; 4. as though looking right into so’s mind, jauh ke dlm: they stood close together and looked ~ into each other’s eyes, mereka berdiri rapat-rapat dan merenung jauh ke dlm mata satu sama lain; 5. as though filling or using o’s whole lungs, panjang: to sigh ~, mengeluh panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | n 1. nobleness, mulia: prophets are men of ~, para rasul ialah orang yg mulia; 2. great respect, penghormatan: it was the ~ of winning that was important to him, not the prize, yg penting baginya ialah penghormatan krn menang, bukan hadiahnya; 3. good name, nama baik, kehormatan, maruah: to fight for a country’s ~, berjuang utk mempertahankan maruah negara; he felt that his ~ had been tarnished, dia merasakan nama baiknya telah tercemar; a woman’s ~, kehormatan sso wanita; 4. privilege, distinction, penghormatan: he was given the ~ of carrying the Olympic torch, dia diberi penghormatan membawa obor sukan Olimpik; 5. thing given to honour so., anugerah, kurnia(an): birthday ~s, kurniaan sempena hari keputeraan; 6. so. or st that brings credit, kebanggaan: he is an ~ to his profession, dia menjadi kebanggaan profesionnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | n 1. part of arm below wrist, tangan; /take, lead / by the ~, memimpin (tangan); 2. manual worker, a. (of factory, farm) pekerja; b. (of ship), /anak, awak/ kapal; 3. influence, agency, pengaruh; (ref to God) kuasa: we can detect the ~ of the military in this so-called civil government, kita boleh merasakan pengaruh tentera dlm kerajaan yg dikatakan kerajaan sivil ini; we can feel the ~ of God in nature, kami dapat merasai kuasa Tuhan pd alam semula jadi; 4. lateral direction, sebelah: on the left ~ side, di sebelah kiri; 5. pointer, jarum: the minute ~, jarum minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrench | vt 1.> ( usu pass. ) surround with trench, berkubu: the troops were safely ~ed on both sides of the river, askar-askar itu selamat berkubu di kedua-dua tebing sungai; 2. ( usu pass. ) establish (oneself) firmly, ( act .) mengukuhkan kedudukan; ( pass. ) kukuh dlm kedudukan sso: he is well ~ed, but feels he should be given a much greater say in the management of the business, dia begitu kukuh dlm kedudukannya, tetapi merasakan bahawa dia seharusnya diberikan lebih hak suara dlm urusan perniagaan itu; be ~ed in o’s /views, ideas, etc/ , /pendapat, gagasan dsb/ sso sudah /berurat berakar, berakar berumbi/ dlm diri sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | adv 1. in the inside, di dalam: he’s ~, working on a model plane, dia di dalam, sedang memasang kapal terbang model; it’s cooler ~, lebih sejuk di dalam; is there anything ~?, ada apa-apa di dalam?; 2. to the inside, ke dalam: I was told to go ~, saya disuruh masuk ke dalam; the coat is worn with the fur ~, bahagian kot yg berbulu dipakai di dalam; /come, get/ ~, masuk (ke dalam); invite so. ~, mempelawa sso /masuk (ke dalam), ke dalam/; 3. (sl) in prison, (di) dalam jel: he’s ~ for pulling a bank job, dia dalam jel krn merompak bank; 4. by nature, hati: she looks so gentle, but ~, she’s as hard as nails, dia nampak saja lembut, tetapi hatinya keras bagai batu; 5. (describing how one feels) dalam hati (sso): I always felt ~ that I did not belong, dalam hati, saya selalu merasakan bahawa tempat saya bukan di sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |