advert 1 | vi (fml) merujuk: he ~ed to the clause on page two, dia merujuk klausa pd muka surat dua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indirect | adj 1. roundabout, not straight, tdk terus: he had to take an ~ route to avoid the midday traffic, dia terpaksa mengambil jalan yg tdk terus utk mengelakkan kesesakan lalu lintas waktu tengah hari; 2. not straight forward, not done or caused directly, tdk langsung: he tried, by ~ methods, to influence their decision, dia mencuba mempengaruhi keputusan mereka dgn cara tdk langsung; to make an ~ reference to st, merujuk sst secara tdk langsung; his answer was ~, jawapannya tdk langsung; ~ effects, kesan tdk langsung; 3. (of taxes) tak langsung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invoke | vt 1. call on (esp God, deity) for help, inspiration, berdoa kpd [Tuhan]; 2. appeal, ask earnestly for, merayu, memohon, meminta: to ~ so’s forgiveness, merayu supaya sso diampuni; ~ vengeance on, (o’s enemy etc) mendoakan supaya (musuh sso dll) mendapat balasan; 3. summon (spirit etc) by incantation, menyeru: to ~ the spirits of the dead, menyeru roh orang yg sudah mati; 4. put, bring (law etc) into use, menggunakan: the government ~d the Sedition Act, kerajaan menggunakan Akta Hasutan; 5. refer to, use, (wise saying, principle, etc) merujuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |