declarable | adj that must be declared, mesti diisytiharkan: ~ goods, barang-barang yg mesti diisytiharkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exercise | vt 1. make use of, a. (power, influence, right, judgement discretion, etc) menggunakan: everyone should ~ his right to vote, semua orang mesti menggunakan haknya utk mengundi; it is necessary to ~ the utmost discretion when making these inquiries, adalah perlu menggunakan kebijaksanaan yg sepenuhnya apabila membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu; b. (leniency, caution, patience, tolerance) bersikap [adj], ber- [adj]: you will have to ~ patience with him, kamu mesti bersikap sabar dengannya; this is a very sensitive issue and one must ~ great caution in dealing with it, ini ialah isu yg sensitif dan kita mesti berhati-hati dlm menanganinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | you must return the book ~ Tuesday, kamu mesti memulangkan buku itu selewat-lewatnya hari Selasa; ~ the end of the year, sebelum akhir tahun ini; ~ dawn, menjelang waktu subuh; 7. to the extent, amount of, sebanyak, [sometimes not translated]: he is taller than me ~ 3", dia lebih tinggi drpd saya sebanyak 3"; it is hotter ~ 5°C, 5°C lebih panas; I missed the bus ~ 5 minutes, saya ketinggalan bas krn terlewat 5 minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | you must ~ over your lessons in the evening, kamu mesti mengulang or melihat kembali pelajaran kamu pd sebelah malam; d. work on top of st, approp v + sst sekali lagi; (stitches) membalas sst: ~ over the letters with red ink, ikut huruf-huruf itu sekali lagi dgn dakwat merah; you have to ~ over the stitches so that the seam does not split open, kamu terpaksa membalas jahitan itu supaya kelimnya tdk terbuka; e. clean st, membersihkan sst: she only had time to ~ over the room quickly with a broom, dia hanya ada masa utk membersihkan bilik itu cepat-cepat dgn penyapu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | vt 1. complete, /menyiapkan, menyudahkan, menyelesaikan, menghabiskan/ [n], /selesai, habis, siap/ [v]: the builders have to ~ the swimming pool before the end of next week, tukang-tukang itu mesti menyiapkan kolam renang or mesti menghabiskan kerja membina kolam renang sebelum hujung minggu depan; when will you ~ that dress?, bilakah kamu akan menyudahkan baju itu?; why is it taking you so long to ~ your homework?, kenapakah kamu mengambil masa yg begitu panjang utk menyelesaikan kerja rumah?; Elizabeth ~ed the novel in one evening, Elizabeth menghabiskan novel itu dlm masa satu petang saja; she hasn’t ~ed praying yet, dia belum selesai bersembahyang lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | drp sso: we must ~ the truth out of him, kita mesti mendapatkan perkara yg sebenar daripadanya; try as they did, they could not ~ a confession out of her, walaupun mereka betul-betul mencuba, mereka gagal mendapatkan pengakuan daripadanya; c. gain or receive st valuable from, mendapat sst drpd: she only got a small profit out of the deal, dia hanya mendapat keuntungan yg kecil drpd urus niaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
culpable | adj bersalah; (leg.) salah: he must be held ~, dia mesti dianggap bersalah; ~ negligence, kecuaian salah; ~ homicide, homisid salah; make so. ~ for st, menyalahkan sso atas sst: it is not fair to make me ~ for her mistakes, tdk adil menyalahkan saya atas kesilapan yg dilakukannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | ~ up, membuat tempahan: you will have to ~ up well ahead, tuan mesti buat tempahan awal-awal lagi; be ~ed up, a. have no seats left, semua tiket sudah habis dijual; b. have no rooms, tables or space left, sudah penuh: I’m sorry, all the hotels in town are ~ed up, maaf, kesemua hotel di bandar ini sudah penuh; c. have no free time left (of entertainer, orchestra, etc) sudah ditempah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | 4. (with infin) a. (indic obligation) /harus, mesti/ [v]: you are to report immediately, saudara harus melaporkan diri dgn segera; the letter was to ~ signed by the principal, surat itu harus ditandatangani oleh guru besar; b. (indic futurity) akan [v]: the book is to appear shortly, buku itu akan terbit tdk lama lagi; c. (indic potentiality ), /dapat, boleh/ [v]: the drug is to ~ had at every chemist’s shop, ubat itu dapat diperoleh dr tiap-tiap kedai ubat; d. (indic purpose) untuk: this money is to buy books with, wang ini untuk membeli buku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | vi berhenti; (with negative) berhenti-henti: the rain ~d early in the afternoon, hujan berhenti pd awal petang; the sound of hammering did not ~, bunyi ketukan itu tdk berhenti-henti; must ~, mesti dihentikan: the fighting must ~, pertempuran ini mesti dihentikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |