deputize, deputise | ~ for, mewakili: she was asked to ~ for the manager in his absence, dia disuruh mewakili pengurus itu semasa ketiadaannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | ~ for, hadir bagi pihak, mewakili : to ~ for the defence, hadir bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | n (often in pl) 1. either of two limits that is as far apart or different from each other, (approp n) yg bertentangan; (of temperature) tinggi rendah [suhu] yg melampau: Members of Parliament who represent political ~s, Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yg mewakili faham politik yg bertentangan; the ~s of joy and sadness, kebahagian dan kesedihan yg bertentangan; he found it difficult to get used to the ~s of temperature, dia mendapati sukar utk membiasakan diri dgn tinggi rendah suhu yg melampau; 2. greatest degree, [sst] yg /keterlaluan, melampau/: the ~s of fashion, fesyen yg keterlaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
following | adj 1. next, after, berikut(nya): the ~ week, minggu berikutnya; the explanation will be found in the ~ pages, keterangan boleh didapati pd halaman-halaman yg berikut; the ~ day, (pd) /keesokannya, keesokan harinya, hari berikutnya/; 2. about to be mentioned, yg berikut: the ~ books are recommended, buku-buku yg berikut disyorkan utk dibaca; the ~, yg berikut: the ~ have been selected to represent the school in the debate, yg berikut telah dipilih utk mewakili sekolah dlm perbahasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |