fried | adj goreng: ~ noodles, mi goreng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instant | adj 1. immediate, (dgn) serta-merta: to get an ~ response, mendapat jawapan serta-merta; her latest novel was an ~ success, novel terbarunya mendapat kejayaan dgn serta-merta; take an ~ /liking, dislike/ to /so., st/, terus /menyukai, tdk suka akan/ /sso, sst/: my mother took an ~ liking to him, ibu saya terus menyukainya; 2. urgent, segera: the children are in ~ need of help, kanak-kanak itu memerlukan pertolongan segera; 3. (of food) segera: ~ coffee, kopi segera; ~ noodles, mi segera; 4. usu inst., (becoming rare), (bulan) ini: on the 15th inst., pd 15 hari bulan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inevitable | adj 1. that cannot be avoided, tdk dapat dielakkan; (of death) pasti, pasti berlaku: war between the two countries seemed ~, peperangan antara kedua-dua buah negara itu nampaknya tdk dapat dielakkan; it was ~ that you two should meet, pertemuan kamu berdua tdk dapat dielakkan; death is ~, setiap yg hidup pasti mati or kematian setiap yg hidup itu pasti berlaku; 2. (colloq or humorous), [various translations]: at ten o’clock we went to the canteen for the ~ plate of noodles, pd pukul sepuluh, spt biasa, kami ke kantin utk makan mi; a provincial town with the ~ fast-food chain, bandar kecil dgn rangkaian kedai makanan segeranya yg mesti ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |