Ionian | adj Ionia: ~ mode, mod Ionia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impermissible | adj tdk dibenarkan: an ~ mode of dress, fesyen pakaian yg tdk dibenarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fashion | n 1. current style, mode of dress, manner, thought, etc, fesyen: to dress in the latest ~, memakai fesyen yg terbaru; ~ - conscious, mengikuti fesyen; ~ show, pertunjukan fesyen; it was the ~ to go to the South of France in winter, pd suatu masa dahulu, pergi ke Selatan Perancis pd musim sejuk menjadi fesyen; 2. manner, gaya, cara; (of behaving), [not translated ]: he spoke in a rude ~, dia bercakap dgn gaya yg kasar; behave in a strange ~, berkelakuan ganjil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aeolian | adj 1. ( mus) aeolia: ~ mode, mod aeolia; 2. borne, deposited, etc by the wind, bawaan angin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constitution | n 1. act of setting up, penubuhan; (law, regulation) pembentukan: before the ~ of civil laws, sebelum pembentukan undang-undang sivil; 2. mode in which st is made up, susunan: the ~ of village society, susunan masyarakat desa; 3. body of fundamental principles, laws, governing nation, organization, perlembagaan; 4. (often C~) statute embodying this, perlembagaan; 5. physical make-up, resam tubuh: he has a robust ~, resam tubuhnya kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrangement | n 1. act of putting into order, a. (gen) penyusunan, mengatur, menyusun: she busied herself with the ~ of the goods on the shelves, dia bersibuk-sibuk mengatur barang-barang di atas rak itu; we must allow plenty of time for the ~ of the furniture, kita harus memberikan masa yg banyak bagi penyusunan perabot itu; b. (flowers) penggubahan; c. (hair) mendandan; d. (seating) penentuan: the ~ of the seating was left to the secretary, penentuan tempat duduk dipertanggungjawabkan kpd setiausaha itu; 2. act of preparing for in advance, pengurusan, mengurus, mengatur: the ~ of a meeting, pengurusan mesyuarat; 3. mode, manner in which things are arranged, a. (gen) cara [n] disusun: the ~ of books in a library, cara buku disusun di perpustakaan; b. (of flowers) gubahan; c. (of hair) dandanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |