launch 2 | n motor-driven open boat, motobot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back-wash | n 1. (of boat, etc) olak buri: the ~ of a motorboat, olak buri motobot; 2. aftermath, akibat: problems that are the ~ of war, masalah-masalah yg merupakan akibat peperangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aid | /come, go/ to so’s ~, /menolong, membantu/ sso; in ~ of, untuk; (institution, organisation) bagi mengutip derma utk: in ~ of charity, utk tujuan amal; in ~ of the fire victims, utk mangsa kebakaran; in ~ of the orphanage, bagi mengutip derma utk rumah anak yatim; to so’s ~, utk /membantu, menolong/ sso: a motorboat was sent to their ~, sebuah motobot telah dihantar utk membantu mereka; /with, by/ the ~ of, a. (so.) dgn /bantuan, pertolongan/ sso: with the ~ of a neighbour he was able to put out the fire, dgn bantuan jirannya dia dapat memadamkan api kebakaran itu; b. (st) dgn menggunakan: to draw a circle with the ~ of a pair of compasses, melukis bulatan dgn menggunakan jangka lukis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |