lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |