pulse 1 | n 1. regular beating of the blood in the arteries, nadi: the doctor felt the child’s ~, doktor merasa nadi budak itu; the shock quickened his ~, kejutan itu mempercepat denyutan nadinya; ~ rate, kadar denyutan nadi; 2. (mus) detik: the rhythmic ~ of the music, muzik yg mempunyai detik irama; 3. (electr) denyut; 4. current public opinion, perasaan: a politician with the ability to feel the ~ of the people, ahli politik yg boleh merasakan perasaan orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life-blood | n 1. darah; 2. (fig.) nadi: oil is the ~ of the Arab countries, minyak merupakan nadi negara-negara Arab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life-blood | n 1. darah; 2. (fig.) nadi: oil is the ~ of the Arab countries, minyak merupakan nadi negara-negara Arab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spurt | vi 1. spout, memancut; (of flame) mencetus: blood ~ed from the cut artery, darah memancut dr urat nadi yg luka; flames suddenly ~ed from the roof, api tiba-tiba mencetus dr atap itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
regular | adj 1. usual, normal, biasa: ~ working hours, waktu kerja biasa; ~ size, saiz biasa; he sat in his ~ place, dia duduk di tempat biasanya; who is your ~ doctor?, siapakah doktor biasa kamu?; 2. not varying or changing, tetap: the patient’s pulse is ~, denyutan nadi pesakit itu tetap; his attendance at school is not ~, kehadirannya di sekolah tdk tetap; a man of ~ habits, orang yg tetap kebiasaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |