name | n 1. word(s) by which so. or st is known, nama: what is your full ~?, siapakah nama penuh kamu?; among mathematicians the ~ of Leibnitz is well-known, nama Leibnitz terkenal di kalangan ahli matematik; what is the ~ for a newly-hatched chicken?, apakah nama bagi anak ayam yg baru menetas?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full | 3. also ~ up, having consumed enough food, drink, kenyang: I’m ~, saya kenyang; you should never sleep on a ~ stomach, kamu tdk sepatutnya tidur dgn perut yg kenyang; 4. complete, a. (of name, price, etc) penuh: please write your ~ name here, sila tulis nama penuh saudara di sini; he paid ~ fare for the child, dia membayar tambang penuh utk budak itu; b. (of period) genap, penuh: they worked on the site for a ~ two months, mereka bekerja di tapak itu selama dua bulan genap; the journey will take a ~ three days, perjalanan itu akan mengambil masa tiga hari penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inscribe | vt 1. mark (/i>st on st) a. (by writing) menulis: he ~d a short poem on the title page, dia menulis sebuah sajak pendek pd halaman judul penuh itu; b. (by carving, engraving) mengukir: both their initials were ~d on the inside of the ring, parap mereka diukir pd bahagian dlm cincin itu; c. (by chiselling) memahat: the names of the fallen were ~d on the tombstones, nama-nama mereka yg gugur dipahat pd batu nisan; d. (by printing) menera; 2. sign o’s name, write short dedication in (book etc) menandatangani: she ~d the book in Mandarin, dia menandatangani buku itu dlm tulisan Mandarin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reflect | vi 1. think, ponder, merenungkan: she sat quietly ~ing on her happy childhood days, dia duduk berdiam diri merenungkan zaman kanak-kanaknya yang penuh kegembiraan; 2. give particular impression, mendatangkan nama /baik, buruk [as appropriate]/: your performance this afternoon will ~ well on your team and country, pencapaian kamu petang tadi akan mendatangkan nama baik kpd pasukan dan negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blot | n 1. spot (of ink) tompok (dakwat): a page full of ~s, muka surat yg penuh dgn tompok dakwat; 2. disgrace, cause of reproach, titik hitam: a ~ on his name, titik hitam pd nama baiknya; a ~ on her past, titik hitam pd kehidupan masa silamnya; 3. st that detracts from the excellence of the whole, (sst yg) mencacati: the old godown is a ~ on the landscape, gudang lama itu mencacati pemandangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | vt 1. a. watch over or protect (so.) mengawal, menjaga keselamatan: soldiers ~ the prince wherever he goes, askar-askar menjaga keselamatan putera raja itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; b. watch over (st) mengawal; (colloq) menjaga: four armed policemen ~ed the gold consignment, empat orang polis yg bersenjata mengawal konsainan emas itu; the dog can ~ the house, anjing itu boleh menjaga rumah; c. protect (secret, reputation, etc) menjaga: he ~ed his reputation jealously, dia menjaga nama baiknya dgn penuh waspada; 2. watch over so as to prevent from escaping, mengawal: the dangerous prisoner was closely ~ed, banduan yg berbahaya itu dikawal rapi; 3. control entry, exit at certain point, menjaga, mengawal: the entrance is well ~ed, pintu masuk itu dikawal rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambiguity | n 1. state, quality of, a. (admitting more than one interpretation) kekaburan, kesamaran; (of word, phrase, etc) /kekaburan, kesamaran/ makna, ketaksaan: he took great care to avoid all ~, dia amat teliti supaya tdk berlaku kekaburan; the careless use of pronouns can result in ~, penggunaan kata ganti nama secara tdk teliti boleh menimbulkan kekaburan makna; b. (being uncertain) tdk jelas; (of look, smile, etc) tdk jelas maknanya: the ~ of his political stance became an issue in the campaign, pendirian politiknya yg tdk jelas menjadi isu dlm kempen itu; 2. ambiguous phrase, expression, etc, approp n + (yg) /kabur, samar(-samar)/ maknanya, taksa: a statement that is full of ambiguities, satu kenyataan yg penuh dgn ungkapan-ungkapan yg kabur maknanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |