glut | vt membanjiri: the plentiful supply of pineapples ~ted the market, bekalan nanas yg banyak membanjiri pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dice | vt cut into cubes, memotong dadu: the pineapple was ~d for the fruit salad, nanas itu dipotong dadu utk di buat salad buah-buahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extract | vt 1. pull out by force, mencabut: he had his tooth ~ed, giginya telah dicabut; she found it difficult to ~ the cork, dia mendapati sukar utk mencabut gabus itu; 2. (liter.) take out carefully, mengeluarkan: he ~ed the document from his briefcase, dia mengeluarkan dokumen itu dr beg bimbitnya; 3. obtain by crushing, pressing, distilling, etc, mengekstrak: to ~ juice from pineapples, mengekstrak jus drpd nanas; to ~ coal, mengekstrak batu arang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | 7. ill, sakit, teruk: she’s ~ today, dia teruk hari ini; 8. wicked, jahat: a thoroughly ~ man, seorang yg betul-betul jahat; 9. naughty, nakal, jahat: come here, you ~ boy!, mari sini, budak nakal!; 10. immoral, jalang, tdk /berakhlak, bermoral/, liar: a ~ woman, perempuan jalang; 11. not acceptable, distasteful, a. (of behaviour, habit) buruk; b. (of manners) tdk sopan, kasar; 12. rotten, (sudah) busuk: a ~ pineapple, nanas busuk; the fish is ~, ikan itu busuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |