Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

block~ out, a. cover, menutup, melindungi: thick rain clouds were ~ing out the sun, mendung tebal menutup matahari; b. get in the way of, menyekat; c. (photog & printing) menutup: ~ out the top of the negative, tutup bahagian atas negatif itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anywhereb./b> at all close to (being) hampir; (in relation to distance) dekat, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (in relation to time) dekat, hampir; (used with negative) see NOWHERE (nowhere near): are you ~ near finished?, adakah kamu hampir siap?; we cannot say that we are ~ near achieving our objective, kita tdk boleh mengatakan bahawa kita hampir mencapai matlamat kita; do you live ~ near Kuala Lumpur?, adakah kamu tinggal berdekatan dgn Kuala Lumpur?; is it ~ near time to go home?, adakah hampir masanya utk kita pulang?; get ~, berjaya: you won’t get ~ with that negative attitude, kamu tdk akan berjaya dgn sikap negatif spt itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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