annoy | vt 1. irritate, provoke, menjengkelkan, menggemaskan, menyakitkan hati: he ~ed his friend by coming late, dia menjengkelkan kawannya krn dia datang lambat; 2. harass, mengganggu, mengacau: the mosquitoes are ~ing us, nyamuk-nyamuk itu mengganggu kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infect | vt 1. communicate disease to, a. (of disease, virus, etc), (act.) menjangkiti; (pass.) dijangkiti (+ approp n): the virus ~s a person through an open wound, virus itu menjangkiti sso melalui luka yg terbuka; he was ~ed with meningitis, dia dijangkiti penyakit meningitis; don’t come near me – I don’t want you to be ~ed, jangan datang dekat saya – saya tdk mahu kamu dijangkiti selesema; b. (of carrier, infected person or thing) menjangkitkan: the mosquitoes ~ed the rabbits with myxomatosis, nyamuk-nyamuk itu menjangkitkan miksomatosis kpd arnab-arnab tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anopheles | n nyamuk tiruk, anopheles. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breed | vi 1. produce offspring, membiak, berkembang biak: mosquitoes ~ in stagnant water, nyamuk membiak dlm air yg bertakung; 2. generate, menjadi-jadi: crime usually ~s in big cities, jenayah sering kali menjadi-jadi di bandar-bandar besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infest | vt 1. overun, inhabit in large numbers, penuh dgn: mosquitoes ~ the river flats, beting sungai itu penuh dgn nyamuk; the garden is ~ed with weeds, taman itu penuh dgn rumpai; 2. live in large numbers in or on (host) meremut: her hair is ~ed with lice, kutu meremut di kepalanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bare | adj 1. (of body parts) a. (gen) terdedah: his ~ legs were covered with mosquito bites, kakinya yg terdedah itu penuh dgn bekas gigitan nyamuk; her ~ back, belakangnya yg terdedah; b. (of feet) tdk berkasut; c. (of head) tdk /bertudung, bertopi, berkopiah, bersongkok dll [as approp]/; 2. without cover, tdk + approp v, tanpa + approp n: a ~ light bulb, mentol yg tdk berterendak: a ~ floor, lantai yg tdk beralas; 3. without trees or leaves, gondol: the ~ hills, bukit-bukau yg gondol; the trees are ~ in winter, pokok-pokok semuanya gondol dlm musim sejuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bite | vt 1. seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc, menggigit; (accidentally) tergigit; (of snake) mematuk, menggigit: the dog bit the postman, anjing menggigit posmen itu; the mosquito bit him on the arm, nyamuk menggigit lengannya; she is biting her nails, dia sedang menggigit kukunya; I bit my tongue, saya tergigit lidah; 2. cause to smart, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke: the cold wind bit our faces, angin sejuk menusuk-nusuk ke muka kami; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]: pepper ~s the tongue, lada sulah memedaskan lidah; 3. corrode, memakan: acid ~s metal, asid memakan logam; 4. take firm hold of, grip, mencengkam: we need a clamp to ~ the wood, kami memerlukan pengapit utk mencengkam kayu itu; 5. (sl), (usu in pass.) deceive, terpedaya: she got bitten in a mail-order swindle, dia terpedaya dlm penipuan pesanan melalui pos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horde | n 1. crowd, throng, begitu/ ramai, banyak/: ~s of people poured out of the stadium, orang yg begitu ramai berduyun-duyun keluar dr stadium; in ~s, beramai-ramai; 2. multitude (of insects) tdk terkira banyaknya: ~s of mosquitoes rose from the swamp, nyamuk yg tdk terkira banyaknya telah berterbangan keluar dr paya itu; 3. nomadic tribe, gerombolan: the Gypsy ~, gerombolan Gipsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coil | n 1. st wound in loops, gelung: a ~ of rope on the deck, segelung tali di atas geladak; a ~ of wire, segelung wayar; 2. single loop in a series of loops, lingkaran: the ~s of a python, lingkaran seekor ular sawa; a mosquito ~, lingkaran ubat nyamuk; 3. spiral-like shape, gelung(an): a ~ of hair, gelungan rambut; 4. arrangement of pipes as in radiator etc, gelung; 5. (electr) gegelung; 6. intra-uterine contraceptive device, gelung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bother | vt 1. annoy, disturb, mengganggu: the noise outside ~ed her, bunyi bising di luar mengganggunya; his injured knee is still ~ing him, lututnya yg cedera itu masih mengganggunya; 2. cause difficulty, fuss, menyusahkan: I don’t want to ~ you, I’ll take a taxi, saya tdk mahu menyusahkan kamu, saya naik teksi saja; 3. worry, membimbangkan, merisaukan: the thought of her child going overseas ~ed her, memikirkan bahawa anaknya akan ke seberang laut merunsingkannya; ~ /os, o’s head/, runsing; 4. confound, damn, celaka: ~ these mosquitoes!, celaka nyamuk ini!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |